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    Analysis for the Global and China TB Epidemic Situation in 2015
    CHEN Wei, XIA Yin-yin, LI Tao, et al.
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2016, 5 (1): 32-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2016.01.010
    Abstract490)      PDF(pc) (597KB)(2262)       Save
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    The main immune cells against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and their mechanisms
    HU Xiao-guang, CHEN Can-can, ZHANG Ya-nan, MA Jun-yang, CHEN Wei
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (1): 71-77.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.01.015
    Abstract1092)   HTML18)    PDF(pc) (842KB)(1838)       Save

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is a kind of intracellular parasitic bacterium. Cellular immunity plays a key role in the body’s immune process against MTB infection. Macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells are the early defense cells against this pathogen, and the adaptive immune cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells, play an important role in the process against bacteria. However, the “immune escape” mechanism of MTB allows it to persist in the host. In this paper, the main immune cells and their immunity mechanisms in the process of TB immunity were summarized, and the immune evasion of MTB were discussed, so as to offer references for developing new preventive and therapeutic measures.

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    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2013, 2 (1): 5-6.  
    Abstract328)      PDF(pc) (4441KB)(1715)       Save
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    Interpretation of the Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacteria disease (2020 edition)
    LIU Sheng-sheng, TANG Shen-jie
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (2): 108-115.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.02.004
    Abstract1757)   HTML52)    PDF(pc) (1128KB)(1661)       Save

    In recent years, non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) disease is increasing rapidly, which has become one of the important public health problems threatening human health and has been widely concerned. Therefore, based on the Chinese expert consensus on diagnosis and treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacteria disease, the Tuberculosis Branch of the Chinese Medical Association organized experts in related fields to develop the Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacteria disease (2020 edition) by referring to the Treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease: an official ATS/ERS/ESCMID/IDSA clinical practice guideline issued in 2020, the British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease (NTM-PD) issued in 2017, as well as the research achievements and diagnosis and treatment experience of NTM disease at home and abroad in recent years. The guidelines has important guiding significance for the standardization of the clinical diagnosis and treatment practice of NTM in China. In order to help the fellow peers to better understand this guideline and improve the clinical practice, the authors interpreted its main contents for reference.

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    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (3): 289-292.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.03.017
    Abstract873)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (1728KB)(1658)       Save
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    Factors of persistent cough secondary to thoracoscopic resection of lung cancer
    XIN Wu-qun, CHEN Xiao, TANG Jin-xing, XU Gao-jun, ZHOU Zhen-qiang, HE Yi
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 31-37.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.008
    Abstract1104)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (1045KB)(1556)       Save

    Objective To study the factors of persistent cough after pulmonary resection (CAP) in patients with lung cancer after thoracoscopic lobectomy. Methods A retrospective analysis had been conducted with clinical data of 570 patients (163 cases in CAP group and 407 cases in non-CAP group) with lung cancer who underwent surgery in the Department of Thoracic Surgery of He’nan Provincial People’s Hospital from April 2017 to October 2019, including gender, age, BMI, smoking history, surgical side (left or right), surgical lobe site (upper lobe or not), anesthesia time, dissected peritracheal lymph nodes, pathological types, postoperative pleural effusion and/or pneumothorax. The factors of CAP were examined through univariable and multivariable logistic regression. Results The occurrence rate of CAP was 28.60% (163/570) among 570 lung cancer surgery patients. Univariable analysis showed that the occurrence rates of CAP among patients with age <60 years, BMI ≥24.28, no smoking history, right surgical side, upper lobe surgery, anesthesia time ≥196.36 min, no peritracheal lymph node dissection and without postoperative pleural effusion/pneumothorax (32.34% (109/337), 33.33% (86/258), 33.33% (91/273), 33.93% (113/333), 34.11% (117/343), 35.68% (71/199), 29.85% (157/526), 36.11% (52/144)) were higher than those with age ≥60 years, BMI<24.28, smoking history, left side surgery, surgery outside upper lobe, anesthesia time <196.36 min, peritracheal lymph node dissection and postoperative pleural effusion/pneumothorax (23.18% (54/233), 24.68% (77/312), 24.24% (72/297), 21.10% (50/237), 20.26% (46/227), 24.80% (92/371), 13.64% (6/44) and 26.06% (111/426)). The differences were statistically significant (χ2 values were 5.671, 5.179, 5.757, 11.174, 12.826, 7.510, 5.226 and 5.329, respectively, P values were 0.017, 0.023, 0.016, 0.001, 0.001, 0.006, 0.022 and 0.021, respectively). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that age ≥60 years (OR=0.616, 95%CI: 0.424-0.895) and smoking history (OR=0.656, 95%CI: 0.432-0.997) were protective factors for CAP; BMI<24.28 (reference: BMI ≥24.28; OR=1.814, 95%CI: 1.241-2.652) and right side surgery (reference: left; OR=3.601, 95%CI: 1.695-7.561), upper lobe surgery (reference: outside upper lobe; OR=1.114, 95%CI: 1.020-1.217), anesthesia time ≥196.36 min (reference: <196.36 min; OR=1.789, 95%CI: 1.214-2.636), and peritracheal lymph node dissection (reference: no dissection, OR=2.730, 95%CI: 1.126-6.622) were risk factors of CAP. Conclusion Patients with age <60 years, BMI<24.28, no smoking history, right side surgery, upper lobe surgery, anesthesia time ≥196.36 min, and peritracheal lymph node dissection have higher risk of CAP after surgery.

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    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2017, 6 (1): 36-40.  
    Abstract248)      PDF(pc) (1198KB)(1552)       Save
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    College students’ awareness rate of tuberculosis-related knowledge in Fujian province
    HUANG Zhi-zhong*, LAN Ya-yan, WEI Shu-zhen, CHEN Qiu-yang, LIN Shu-fang
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2013, 2 (3): 194-196.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2013.03.013
    Abstract382)      PDF(pc) (781KB)(1490)       Save
    Objective To understand the college students’ awareness level of tuberculosis (TB) messages in Fujian province, and to explore the method for improvement.Methods The cluster sampling method was used. The unite questionnaire was designed according to the key TB messages of Guidelines for implementing the national tuberculosis control program in China by the research group. After being trained, investigators issued questionnaire and supervised respondents completing questionnaire by themselves, 220 questionnaires were issued and 203 valid questionnaires were received, the collecting rate was 92.3%.Results The general awareness rate of key TB messages was 52.3% (849/1624), the awareness rate of 3 core information (symptom, institute for examination and treatment, free policies) were 39.1% (238/609). 69.5% (141/203) students didn’t discriminate against TB. They acquired the TB knowledge by many ways, by television was the highest (58.1%, 118/203), by video cassette, tape and optical disk was the lowest (13.8%, 28/203).Conclusion The publicity and education about TB control in colleges and universities should be enhanced, and the suitable media and channel should be chosen to strengthen the health education activities for college students.
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    Research progresses of nontuberculous mycobacteria
    WANG Chun-hua, PANG Xue-wen, FU Yan-yong
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2015, 4 (1): 61-64.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2015.01.014
    Abstract467)      PDF(pc) (761KB)(1484)       Save
    Nontuberculous mycobacteria exist in nature widely, but only some of them cause diseases in human. As some nontuberculous mycobacteria are resistant to some anti-tuberculosis drugs, and it is difficult to diagnose and with poor treatment outcome, the nontuberculous mycobacterial infectious diseases have become the concerned research topic in medical field gradually. This article reviewed the progress of study on nontuberculous mycobacteria by summarizing the species and infection rate, drug resistance mechanisms and detection methods, the cha-racteristics of nontuberculous mycobacterial infection and treatment regimens, and the research on water pollution of nontuberculous mycobacterial. The drug-resistance and transmission mechanisms of nontuberculous mycobacteria have not been elucidated, further research is needed.
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    Application evaluation of three methods for identification between Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and non-tuberculous mycobacteria
    YI Jun-li, YANG Xin-yu, ZHANG Jie, TIAN Li-li, DING Bei-chuan, WU Wen-qing
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (3): 240-244.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.03.007
    Abstract1595)   HTML15)    PDF(pc) (850KB)(1480)       Save

    Objective To evaluate the application of PNB/TCH growth test, Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen (MPB64) detection and PCR-fluorescent probe method in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) and non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Methods A total of 11 standard strains including MTB H37Rv and 10 NTM standard strains were all from the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory. And 238 clinical isolates were frozen positive strains cultured from outpatients of Beijing Research Institute for Tuberculosis Control from January to December 2019, all of them were positive in acid fast smear staining. Eleven standard strains and 238 clinical isolates were identified by PNB/TCH growth test, MPB64 detection, PCR-fluorescent probe method and gene chip technology. Based on the identification results of microarray gene chip method, the efficiency of PNB/TCH growth test, MPB64 detection method and PCR-fluorescent probe method to identify MTBC and NTM was evaluated. Results Compared to strain identification with gene chip technology, the sensitivities of PNB/TCH growth test, MPB64 detection and PCR-fluorescent probe method were 100.0% (206/206), 98.5% (203/206) and 100.0% (206/206), respectively; the specificities were 96.9% (31/32), 100.0% (32/32), 100.0% (32/32). The coincidence rates were 99.6% (237/238), 98.7% (235/238) and 100.0% (238/238), respectively; the Kappa values were 0.98, 0.95 and 1.00, respectively. The detection times of PNB/TCH growth test, MPB64 detection method and PCR-fluorescent probe method were 28 days, half an hour, and half of the day, respectively; the average detection costs were RMB 20 yuan, 40 yuan and 60 yuan. Both PNB/TCH growth test method and MPB64 detection method need cultures, while PCR-fluorescent probe method requires laboratories and operators with professional ability of nucleic acid detection. Conclusion PNB/TCH growth test, MPB64 detection and PCR-fluorescent probe method could be used to identify MTBC and NTM. PCR-fluorescent probe method has high sensitivity and specificity, and the detection results are more accurate and reliable. MPB64 detection is simple, rapid and with low cost, it is suitable for the preliminary identification in primary laboratories.

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    Research progress of immune response and immune escape mechanism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
    TANG Pei-jun, WU Mei-ying.
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2017, 6 (2): 181-186.  
    Abstract408)      PDF(pc) (770KB)(1425)       Save
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    Clinical characteristics and influencing factors of culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients coinfected with non-tuberculous mycobacteria
    YU Yan-yan, CHEN Zhen-hua, WANG Jue, LYU Yan, CHEN Zhong-nan, LIU Bin-bin, YI Song-lin, HU Pei-lei, TAN Yun-hong
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (2): 144-148.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.02.011
    Abstract842)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (774KB)(1408)       Save

    Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics and influencing factors of culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients coinfected with nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM).Methods The observation group included 177 culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients coinfected with NTM diagnosed in Hunan Chest Hospital from January to December in 2019; 124 patients only with culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis from Hunan Chest Hospital during the same period were selected as the control group. Age, gender, concurrent underlying diseases, chief complaint symptoms, duration of anti-tuberculosis treatment, and results of tuberculosis-related laboratory tests (serum total protein (TP), serum albumin (ALB), serum IgA, and serum IgG) were collected. The clinical characteristics and influencing factors of culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis coinfected with NTM were analyzed. Results In the observation group, 62.1% (110/177) were male and 33.9% (60/177) aged ≥61 years old, which were significantly higher than those in the control group (75.8% (94/124), χ2=6.230, P=0.013; 18.6% (23/124), χ2=35.681, P=0.000). Patients with bronchiectasis and diabetes in the observation group accounted for 26.0% (46/177) and 6.8% (12/177), respectively, which were significantly higher than those in the control group (10.5% (13/124), χ2=11.120, P=0.001; 21.8% (27/124), χ2=14.541, P=0.000). The level of serum IgA and IgG in the observation group were lower than those in the control group ((2.3 (1.7, 3.3) g/L vs. 2.7 (2.1, 3.6) g/L, Z=212.380, P=0.010; 13.6 (11.1, 15.4) g/L vs. 15.9 (12.5, 17.8) g/L, Z=181.190, P=0.003), respectively. The duration of anti-tuberculosis treatment in the observation group was 9.0 (5.0, 17.0) months, which was significantly longer than that in the control group (5.5 (2.0, 12.0) months) (Z=116.341, P=0.000). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that male (OR(95%CI): 1.941(1.061-3.572)), age ≥61 years (OR(95%CI): 1.196(1.050-2.501)), duration of anti-tuberculosis treatment ≥9 months (OR (95%CI): 1.865(1.090-3.191)), concurrent diabetes (OR(95%CI): 3.420(1.462-8.041)) or bronchiectasis (OR(95%CI): 2.390(1.121-5.130)) were risk factors for NTM pulmonary disease in culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Conclusion Elderly, male, longer duration of anti-tuberculosis treatment, complicated with underlying diseases such as diabetes and bronchiectasis, were risk factors for NTM lung disease in culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

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    Analysis of the dynamic evolution of Chest CT lesions quality and peripheral blood lymphocyte count in patients with coronavirus disease 2019
    SHEN Cong, JIAO Lei, BAI Lu, ZHANG Yi-li, GUO You-min
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (2): 126-130.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.02.007
    Abstract748)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (2454KB)(1369)       Save

    Objective To comprehensively analyze the consistency and inconsistency of CT manifestations of lung lesions and the dynamic evolution of lymphocyte count in patients with new coronavirus pneumonia (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19). Methods A retrospective collection of 17 patients who were diagnosed with novel coronavirus pneumonia by nucleic acid testing in our hospital from January 28, 2019 to April 11, 2020, all of them were of ordinary type. Collect the first and follow-up CT examinations (110 times in total) and the lymphocyte count (LC) of peripheral blood (145 times in total). Use a computer to automatically segment the lesion and calculate the lesion quality (LQ). The LC and LQ of each patient were divided by the maximum value in the entire course of the patient, and standardized to the interval (0,1). Taking the patient’s first symptom as the first day, the dynamic changes of LC and LQ of each patient were drawn, and the moving weighted average method was used to fit the change trend, and the consistency and inconsistency of imaging and lymphocyte changes were described. Results The changes in LC and LQ of each patient were plotted. Using the moving weighted average method to fit, the lowest value of LC was calculated at (5.294±3.820) days (days 1-12), and the peak of LQ was at (9.589±3.203) days (days 5-16). There was a significant difference between the two (t=7.170, P<0.05); the median number of days for LC to returning to normal level was 19 days (15 to 42 days). On the 1st to 5th days of the disease course, the lesion progresses rapidly, LC decreases, and LQ rises rapidly; on the 6th to 10th days, the lesion progresses slowly, and LC begins to recover, and LQ slows down; on the 11th to 22nd days, LC continues to rise to the normal level, LQ declined rapidly, and there was a significant negative correlation between the two (r=-0.764, P=0.002); after 22 days, LC was close to or maintained at a normal level, and LQ remains at a low level. Conclusion The lymphocyte count of patients with novel coronary pneumonia decreased earlier than the maximum lesion area.

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    The new era of systematic immunology of tuberculosis
    ZHU Guo-feng, LIU Xiao-qing
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (3): 195-212.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.03.002
    Abstract1004)   HTML26)    PDF(pc) (9174KB)(1336)       Save

    With the breakthrough of key technologies, the achievements based on the gene knockout MTB mutant library and animal models of tuberculosis, enable the development of systematic immunology of tuberculosis (SIT). In this review, we described the data framework of SIT, and we also discussed how the SIT database will benefit the prosperity of novel vaccine and drug development against the tuberculosis disease.

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    Analysis of the effectiveness of two different surgical methods on treating cervical lymph node tuberculosis
    ZHANG Zhe-nan, JIANG Nan-yang, WANG Wei, JIANG Lian-ju, LIU Yu-qin
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 26-30.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.007
    Abstract727)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (1249KB)(1293)       Save

    Objective To explore and analyze the effectiveness of two different surgical methods on treating cervical lymph node tuberculosis. Methods A total of 347 patients with cervical lymph node tuberculosis diagnosed bacteriologically or pathologically and treated by surgery in the Department of General Surgery of Heilongjiang Infectious Disease Hospital from January 2016 to January 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 112 patients were treated with conventional debridement as the control group; 235 patients were treated with debridement combined with regional lymph node dissection as the study group. Cure rates, improvements of quality of life (QOL) scale, wound healing and complications of the two groups were analyzed. Results Cure rate of the study group (97.9%, 230/235) was significantly higher than that of the control group (84.8%, 95/112), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=6.14, P=0.029). Wound healing rate of grade A in the study group (90.6%, 213/235) was higher than that of the control group (63.4%, 71/112), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.71, P=0.018); the healing rates of grade B (8.5%, 20/235) and grade C (0.9%, 2/235) in the study group were lower than those of grade B (25.0%, 28/112) and grade C (11.6%, 13/112) in the control group, and those differences were statistically significant (χ2=5.16 and 4.43, P=0.032 and 0.028). Incidence of complications in the study group (5.1%, 12/235) was lower than that in the control group (17.9%, 20/112), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.17, P=0.012). After 3 months of anti-tuberculosis treatment, QOL score of the study group (52.83±2.19) was significantly higher than that of the control group (39.12±2.08), the difference was statistically significant (t=8.92, P=0.001). Conclusion Focus clearing combined with regional lymphadenectomy can effectively improve the postoperative healing rate, improve the rate of postoperative incision grade A healing, reduce the incidence of postoperative complications, and improve the quality of life of patients.

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    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2016, 5 (1): 58-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2016.01.016
    Abstract400)      PDF(pc) (588KB)(1277)       Save
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    Influence of respiratory training intervention on respiratory function and quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    LIU Si-mei, XI Xiu-feng, LI Bing
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (1): 34-38.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.01.008
    Abstract590)   HTML26)    PDF(pc) (775KB)(1248)       Save

    Objective To evaluate the effect of respiratory training intervention on pulmonary function, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions, and symptom of dyspnea on hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods A total of 82 COPD patients who were hospitalized due to acute exacerbation of the disease from June 2019 to December 2019 were collected and grouped according to the single and double numbers of the enrollment time series. Concretely, 41 patients received respiratory training intervention based on usual care at stable stage as the observation group, and 41 patients were adopted the routine nursing methods as the control group. Five patients with aggravation were removed. Finally, 77 cases were actually completed, including 40 in the observation group and 37 in the control group. The lung function of patients in the two groups was measured using lung function instrument. The self-assessment scale for anxiety (SAS) and the self-assessment scale for depression (SDS) were used to evaluate the negative emotions of patients. The self-assessment test questionnaire (CAT) was used to evaluate the symptoms of patients. The dyspnea scale (mMRC) was used to evaluate the symptoms of dyspnea. The respiratory function and quality of life of patients in the two groups were measured and evaluated by means of randomized experiment. Results The lung function of patients in the observation group after intervention was as follows: the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) was (1.91±0.42) L, the FEV1 accounted for the percentage of predicted value (FEV1(%)) was (68.16±5.79)%, and the ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) was 66.20±2.00; the corresponding values in the control group were (1.59±0.31) L, (63.95±6.95)%, and 61.35±3.71, respectively, with the statistically significant differences between the two groups (t=3.86, 2.91, 7.06, respectively; all P=0.000). The SAS score of patients in the observation group after intervention was 38.55±8.72, which was lower than that in the control group (44.68±8.62), with the statistically significant difference (t=-3.10, P=0.000). The SDS score of patients in the observation group after intervention was 38.85±6.26, which was significantly lower than that of the control group (46.54±7.31), with the statistically significant difference (t=-4.94, P=0.000). The CAT score of patients in the observation group after intervention was 23.88±4.30, which was significantly lower than that of the control group (32.41±3.87), with the statistically significant difference (t=-9.16, P=0.000). The mMRC score of patients in the observation group after intervention was 1.73±0.85, which was significantly lower than that of the control group (2.49±0.93), with the statistically significant difference (t=-3.74, P=0.000). Conclusion The implementation of respiratory training intervention for patients with acute exacerbation of COPD can improve the lung function, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve the symptoms of dyspnea.

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    Study progress on the application of sputum induction in the etiological diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
    HAN Mei, HAN Pu, CHEN Ya-ting, YANG Song, YAN Xiao-feng
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 83-87.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.018
    Abstract581)   HTML19)    PDF(pc) (763KB)(1234)       Save

    Sputum induction is recognized as a safe and non-invasive sampling method for collecting and analyzing airway cells, obtaining airway secretions from the patients with cystic fibrosis. It has been widely used for optimizing the examinations of various respiratory inflammatory diseases diagnosis, as well as for researching the inflammatory process and its mechanisms. Sputum induction has been demonstrated that it can achieve the similar positive rate to bronchoscope examination in tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis. The establishment of a standardized method of sputum induction has improved the quality of sputum sample. High quality sputum samples are helpful to improve the sensitivity of etiological detection of pulmonary TB, thus improving the positive rate of pulmonary TB diagnosis. The authors reviewed the current situation of sputum induction researches, as well as its clinical applications. They also compared the efficiency of different sputum induction methods in clinical applications, including hypertonic saline, lung flutters, physiotherapy sputum sample collection technology, and hypertonic saline plus physiotherapy sputum sample collection technology. The value of sputum induction method with hypertonic saline in etiological diagnosis of TB was in depth discussed in this paper.

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    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 3-7.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.002
    Abstract474)   HTML26)    PDF(pc) (1005KB)(1229)       Save
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    Molecular detection technologies for diagnosing tuberculous meningitis using cerebrospinal fluid
    HAN Li-jun, ZHAO Xue-yao
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 8-12.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.003
    Abstract668)   HTML17)    PDF(pc) (1024KB)(1228)       Save

    Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is a common tuberculosis disease affecting central nervous system. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are key to improve the prognosis of TBM patients. However, traditional detection methods of MTB are usually with poor sensitivity and time-consuming, we lack effective rapid clinic detection methods, thus it is very difficult to make early diagnosis of TBM. In the review, the current situation, latest progress and existing problems of TBM molecular detecting technologies for testing cerebrospinal fluid samples were displayed and discussed, to offer references for clinical practice.

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    The value of GeneXpert MTB/RIF technology in tuberculosis detection and resistance to rifampin
    TANG Gui-hua, SUN Qian, WANG Xiao-fan, XIAN Hai-bin, ZHANG Qian, YANG Xiao-wei, WANG Li
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (2): 121-125.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.02.006
    Abstract778)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (829KB)(1213)       Save

    Objective To analyze the feasibility of GeneXpert MTB/RIF technology to detect tuberculosis (TB) and resistance to rifampin in basic TB control institutions. Methods Retrospective analysis was performed on all patients with suspected symptoms of TB who visited Changping Institute for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention from January 1st to December 31st, 2019, which was a total of 1719 cases. Sputum smears, Roche solid culture, and GeneXpert tests were performed on the 1719 patients. Among them, 587 patients with other diseases were confirmed by clinical and laboratory test results, 550 patients with inactive TB were diagnosed and 582 active cases were diagnosed. Among the 582 active TB cases, 237 patients had laboratory etiological evidence (the same sputum sample of the same patient was also cultured by Roche and the M. tuberculosis MPB64 antigen was used for strain identification, and the GeneXpert detection system was used as well), was diagnosed as etiological positive patient, and the remaining 345 patients were clinically diagnosed patients. The positive detection rates of sputum specimen of the 237 TB cases by smear, culture and GeneXpert were compared, and rifampin resistance related indexes were compared as well. Chi-square test was used to compare the count data. When the theoretical frequency was lower than 5, the Fisher exact probability method was used for comparison. The difference was statistically significant with P<0.05. Results Of 237 etiologically positive patients, the detection rates were 25.3% (60/237), 79.7% (189/237) and 96.2% (228/237) by smear, culture and GeneXpert, respectively. The detection rate of GeneXpert was significantly higher than that of culture and smear (χ2=249.742, P<0.001; χ2=30.332, P<0.001). Took Roche solid ratio method rifampicin resistance test result as the reference standard, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and consistency were 99.6% (232/233), 100.0% (4/4), 100.0% (232/232), 80.0% (4/5) and 99.6% (236/237) respectively. Conclusion GeneXpert has a high detection rate for etiologically positive patients and rifampin resistance. It is of great value to carry out TB detection and rifampin resistant TB detection at the basic level.

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    Clinical characteristics and choices of treatment for lymphadenitis after BCG vaccination in infants
    LIU Chen, XU Xiao-liang, FU Ting-liang
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (1): 78-81.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.01.016
    Abstract719)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (768KB)(1205)       Save

    BCG vaccination is an effective and safe measure to prevent tuberculosis. Although its adverse effect rate is very low, we still need to pay attention to prevention and management of BCG-related lymphadenitis in infants for which there are still some puzzles in diagnosis and treatment. In this paper, we reviewed latest updated literature and focused on clinical characteristics and treatment choices of BCG-related lymphadenitis in order to provide available reference for its prevention and proper treatment.

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    Correlation study of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation typing and lung computed tomography signs in 58 smear positive retreated tuberculosis patients in the first diagnosis
    JI Bin-ying, GUO Chun-hui, XIE Xiao-xia, WANG Xiao-rui, WU Jing, CHE Dao-lin, LIN Hong
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2015, 4 (3): 169-173.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2015.03.005
    Abstract423)      PDF(pc) (1381KB)(1204)       Save
    Objective To explore the correlation between traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome differentiation typing and lung computed tomography (CT) signs in smear positive retreated tuberculosis (TB) patients in the first diagnosis.Methods According to TCM syndrome differentiation typing,58 TB patients were divided into Lung Yin deficiency type,type of Yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity and Qi Yin deficiency type.The correlation between TCM syndrome differentiation typing and lung CT signs was analyzed.Results In the 58 cases, 23 were Lung Yin deficiency type, accounted for 39.66%, and the lung CT signs mainly presented exudative process or acini nodular lesions. 19 were the type of Yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity, accounted for 32.76%. The lung diseases shew extensive distribution, and CT signs mainly presented cheese or invasive focus, accompanied cavity focus. Sixteen were Qi Yin deficiency type, accounted for 27.59%, The lung lesions increased gradually, showing repeated damage and repair changes. The lung CT signs presented multiplication and fibrous focus based on cheese, invasive and cavity focus, even appeared collapse and damage of lung.Conclusion There are some correlation and regularity in TCM syndrome differentiation typing and lung CT signs in retreated smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases, which has important practical value for objective diagnosis and treatment of TCM syndrome differentiation typing in pulmonary tuberculosis.
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    Progresses on the SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors
    LI Gang, XIE Jian-ping
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (1): 6-10.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.01.003
    Abstract547)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (1082KB)(1199)       Save

    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerges as global pandemic and public crisis. Due to the lack of specific antiviral therapy and vaccines, it is urgent for novel drugs and vaccines based on the molecular biology of the virus. As a positive single-stranded RNA virus, SARS-CoV-2 replication in host cells depends on its own RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). Based on the high conservative of RdRp, this paper summarizes the progress of anti-coronavirus RdRp inhibitors as well as the structure and function of SARS-CoV-2 RdRp, with an aim to find drugs capable of inhibiting the RdRp function of SARS-CoV-2 and treatment of COVID-19.

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    Considerations for the application of laboratory diagnostics in detecting drug-resistant tuberculosis
    ZHANG Zhi-guo, GUO Hai-ping, PANG Yu
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 13-17.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.004
    Abstract585)   HTML15)    PDF(pc) (1014KB)(1198)       Save

    Drug-resistant tuberculosis remains an important challenge for TB control. The recent development of molecular biology diagnostics overcomes the shortcomings of traditional drug-resistance diagnosis methods, which has increased its value in clinical applications, but how to make better use of molecular biological diagnostic methods for clinical service is worth to be considered. In this paper, the authors systematically analyze the current diagnostics for drug-resistant tuberculosis, and summarize the dilemmas in the clinical use of molecular diagnostics for detection of drug resistance tuberculosis, aiming to provide important clinical experience for the diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

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    From streptomycin to bedaquiline: overview of anti-TB drug clinical trials during the past 70 years
    GAO Jing-tao, LIU Yu-hong, LI Liang, et al.
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2016, 5 (1): 14-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2016.01.006
    Abstract391)      PDF(pc) (948KB)(1197)       Save
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    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2016, 5 (4): 259-261.  
    Abstract304)      PDF(pc) (997KB)(1196)       Save
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    Progress of diagnostic research in biomarkers tuberculous pleurisy
    GUI Xu-wei, KE Hui, GU Jin
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 73-77.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.016
    Abstract695)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (764KB)(1184)       Save

    Tuberculous pleurisy is the most common type of adult extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. To detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pleural effusion is difficult, and in clinic, it requires a combination of bacteriology, pathology, molecular biology, cellular immunology and a comprehensive diagnostic strategy. Moreover, it is difficult to differentiate with malignant pleural diseases and other infectious pleural diseases. Recently, there have been many studies on the biomarkers of tuberculous pleural effusion. The progress of nucleic acid detection technology and its wide application in the field of tuberculosis have also provided a new diagnostic method for tuberculous pleurisy. Both adenosine deaminase (ADA) and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) have high sensitivity and specificity, they can be used as specific biomarkers of tuberculous pleurisy. Interleukin-27 (IL-27) is a promising biomarker. Acid amplification assay (NAATS) and miRNA have developed rapidly, but the property in the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy is not satisfactory. The combined application of multiple methods can greatly improve the diagnostic accuracy.

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    The risk of aerosol transmission of respiratory infectious diseases and suggestions for prevention and control
    LYU Ke-yang, XU Dong-qun
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (2): 102-107.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.02.003
    Abstract749)   HTML21)    PDF(pc) (1087KB)(1182)       Save

    The COVID-19 pandemic is still ravaging around the world. Respiratory viruses can be transmitted via different modes of transmission with strongly contagious. People stay in the indoor environment for a long time, in a relatively confined space, the risk of aerosol transmission is extremely high. The paper summarizes the risk, influencing factors as well as prevention and control measures of aerosol transmission of respiratory infectious diseases in different settings in daily life. It hopes to provide a reference for the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases under the new situation in China.

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    Research progress on the mechanism of latent tuberculosis infection progressing to active tuberculosis
    MA Hui-min, ZHANG Li-fan, LIU Xiao-qing
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (3): 276-280.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.03.014
    Abstract889)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (868KB)(1179)       Save

    Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is defined as a state of persistent immune response to stimulation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens with no evidence of clinically manifest active tuberculosis. Up to one third of the world’s population is estimated to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and 5%-10% of those infected people will develop active tuberculosis disease sometime during their lives. Therefore, it is of great significance for tuberculosis prevention and control to study the mechanism of LTBI progressing to active tuberculosis. We reviewed this hot issue from the aspects of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection process, immunological changes during LTBI progressing to active tuberculosis and the risk factors that induce LTBI reactivation, etc.

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    Evaluation of tuberculosis in experimental animals
    BAO Rong
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2017, 6 (3): 204-207.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2017.03.000
    Abstract721)      PDF(pc) (1099KB)(1178)       Save
    The lesion of tuberculosis is important for safety and efficacy evaluation of vaccine and drug against tuberculosis, it could indicate the effect of drug, vaccine and strain virulence in tuberculosis (TB) animal model, which is very important for related investigation. Evaluation of tuberculosis may provide a reliable method for vaccine and drug development against anti-tuberculosis.
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    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2016, 5 (4): 340-343.  
    Abstract271)      PDF(pc) (797KB)(1176)       Save
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    Correlation between nutritional status and chest CT findings in patients with newly diagnosed smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis
    LI Rong, MA Jin-bao, REN Fei, ZHANG Fan, TAN Gan-wen, ZHOU Jie, WU Yan-qin
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (1): 17-23.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.01.005
    Abstract576)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (848KB)(1170)       Save

    Objective To understand the nutritional status of patients with newly diagnosed smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis and to explore correlation between nutritional status and chest CT findings in those patients. Methods Basic information of 296 newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients with positive sputum smear acid-fast bacilli testing results from April 2019 to September 2019 were collected. Among them, 204 were male and 92 were female, age range 18-72 years, median age 38 years. According to body mass index (BMI) <18.5 or albumin (ALB) <30 g/L, those patients were divided into malnutrition group (122 cases) and non-malnutrition group (174 cases). The incidence of malnutrition was 41.2% (122/296). Morphological and lesion characteristics of chest imaging of those two groups were compared. Results Proportion of morphological features of chest CT(cavity, pulmonary consolidation shadow, pleural effusion, mediastinal hilar lymph node enlargement, tree bud sign, interstitial changes, patch shadow, cord shadow, calcification, small nodules) in the malnutrition group was 82.0% (100/122), 89.3% (109/122), 24.6% (30/122), 41.8% (51/122), 32.0% (39/122), 9.8% (12/122), 68.9% (84/122), 18.9% (23/122), 16.4% (20/122), 39.3% (48/122) respectively, which was similar to the non-malnutrition group (77.6% (135/174), 89.7% (156/174), 19.5% (34/174), 38.5% (67/174), 29.3% (51/174), 11.5% (20/174), 67.8% (118/174), 20.1% (35/174), 6.9% (12/174), 47.7% (83/174)),without statistically significant differences (χ2=0.841, 0.007, 1.079, 0.325, 0.625, 0.205, 0.036, 0.073, 6.708, 2.030, all P>0.05). The proportion of lung lesions ≥4 lung fields and the number of cavities ≥2 in malnutrition group was 66.4% (81/122) and 69.7% (85/122), higher than that in the non-malnutrition group (42.0% (73/174) and 37.4% (65/174)),with statistically significant differences (χ 2=17.162, 29.963,all P<0.001). The proportion of lesions being at the posterior segment of the upper lobe tip and the dorsal segment of the lower lobe in malnutrition group was 89.3% (109/122), similar to the non-malnutrition group (86.2% (150/174)), without statistically significant difference (χ 2=0.645, P>0.05). Conclusion Patients with newly diagnosed smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis with malnutrition got more lung fields affected than patients without malnutrition, and were more likely to have multiple cavities.

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    Application value of GeneXpert MTB/RIF in diagnosis of joint tuberculosis and detection of rifampin resistance
    WANG Lian-bo, ZHANG Zhi-hua, LIU Feng-sheng, JIA Chen-guang, DONG Zhao-liang, YAO Xiao-wei, WU Shu-cai
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 23-25.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.006
    Abstract699)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (715KB)(1170)       Save

    Objective To investigate the application value of GeneXpert MTB/RIF (GeneXpert) in the diagnosis of knee tuberculosis and the detection of rifampicin resistance. Methods Clinical data of 66 patients with suspected knee tuberculosis admitted to Hebei Chest Hospital from July 2015 to March 2019 were collected. According to the diagnostic criteria, 44 cases were diagnosed with knee tuberculosis and the other 22 cases were diagnosed with non-tuberculous knee infection. Pustus samples were taken intraoperatively for acid-fast staining, GeneXpert detection, and rapid culture by BACTEC MGIT 960 liquid culture system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (liquid culture), among which, drug resistance was detected by modified Roche absolute concentration drug sensitivity test in samples with positive results. The detection efficiency of acid-fast staining, GeneXpert detection and liquid culture was evaluated based on clinical diagnosis. Results Of the 66 samples, 25 were positive and 41 were negative in liquid culture. Of the 25 positive specimens, 4 were resistant to rifampicin and 21 were sensitive to rifampicin. Fourteen smears were positive in acid fast staining and 51 smears were negative. As to results of GeneXpert, 35 were positive and 31 were negative, and 4 were resistant to rifampicin. According to clinical diagnosis, the sensitivities of GeneXpert detection, acid-fast staining and liquid culture were 75.0% (33/44), 29.5% (13/44) and 52.3% (23/44), respectively; the specificities were 90.9% (20/22), 95.5% (21/22) and 90.9% (20/22), respectively. rpoB gene mutation was also detected by GeneXpert in the 4 samples that showed resistance to rifampicin in drug sensitivity test. Conclusion GeneXpert detection could simultaneously detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the drug resistance to rifampicin in knee effusion, the sensitivity was high and it had good application value.

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    Exploration of medication rules of Chinese herb formulae for bronchiectasis based on modern literature and data mining
    QIU Lei, YANG Ming, ZHANG Shao-yan, XUE Ling-na, TIAN Li-ming, LI Cui, WU Xian-wei, LU Zhen-hui, WU Ding-zhong
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (3): 233-239.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.03.006
    Abstract729)   HTML11)    PDF(pc) (1963KB)(1155)       Save

    Objective To initially clarify the medication rules of Chinese herb formulae for bronchiectasis based on modern literature review and data mining. Methods The Chinese herb formulae for bronchiectasis published in CNKI, Wanfang and CQVIP, from establishment to July 31, 2020, with evidence for efficacy were collected. A total of 1056 references were retrieved, and of them, 110 eligible articles and 141 Chinese herb formulae were included. Frequency analysis, association rules and cluster analysis were used to analyze the data, to explore the potential medication rules for bronchiectasis. Results Using frequency analysis, it was found that 209 Chinese medicines were involved and 28 of them were used more than 15 times. By association rule analysis, 17 two-drug pairs and 15 three-drug pairs were found. By cluster analysis, 7 types of prescriptions or single drugs were found, and they focused on the functions of clearing lung heat, drying dampness, resolving phlegm, regulating qi, and replenishing qi, mainly for the syndrome of phlegm heat that obstruct the lung, the syndrome of the phlegm-dampness retention in the lung, and the syndrome of qi deficiency of both lung and spleen. Conclusion This study preliminarily determined the core framework of medication rules of Chinese herb formulae for bronchiectasis including core drugs, core types of herb, two-drug or three-drug drug pairs and core Chinese herb formula, which provides a beneficial exploration for revealing the general medication rules of chronic lung diseases such as bronchiectasis.

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    Analysis of characteristics of chest CT imaging and immune indexes in 84 COVID-19 patients
    LIU Bo-fei, WANG Fang, LIU Bo-xia, MA Yu-jie, FENG Tao, XU Lin, ZHAO Gui-xia, HONG Yuan, LIU Guang-tian, ZHOU Pan, CAO Xiang-yuan
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (3): 220-225.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.03.004
    Abstract863)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (1334KB)(1152)       Save

    Objective To anlyze the characteristics of chest CT imaging and immune indexes in patients with COVID-19. Methods A total of 84 COVID-19 patients in Ningxia between January 24, 2020 and March 7, 2020 were retrospectively studied, including 75 confirmed cases (difinite epidemiological history, fever and/or typical chest CT images, and positive in nucleic acid test) and 9 clinically diagnosed cases (difinite epidemiological history or close contact, typical chest CT imaging, but negative in two nucleic acid tests). According to the dynamic CT imaging and results of immune indexes, the relationship between the changes of chest CT 72 hours after admission and the clinical classification and immune status of COVID-19 patients were analyzed. Results Within 24 hours of admission, the 84 patients were divided into mild (n=14), ordinary (n=59), and severe/critical types (n=11). By CT scan, the proportions of interstitial lesions in bilateral lung and diffuse lesions in bilateral lung in ordinary patients were significantly lower than those in severe/critical patients (1.7% (1/59) vs. 18.2% (2/11), χ2=6.144, P=0.013; 5.1% (3/59) vs. 27.3% (3/11), χ 2=5.824, P=0.016). The classification of 9 patients was progressing 72 hours after admission, therefore, numbers of mild, ordinary, and severe/critical types were changed to 10, 58 and 16, respectively. By CT scan, compared with those in patients of severe/critical type, few/occasional patchy lesions lesions and multiple lesions in bilateral lung in patients of ordinary type were significantly higher (20.7% (12/58) vs.0.0% (0/16), χ 2=3.951, P=0.047; 62.1% (36/58) vs. 18.8% (3/16), χ 2=9.441, P=0.002); while interstitial lesionsn and diffuse lesions in bilateral lung in patients of ordinary type were significantly lower (0.0% (0/58) vs. 31.2% (5/16), χ 2=19.438, P<0.001; 8.6% (5/58) vs. 50.0% (8/16), χ 2=14.828, P<0.001).The relevant immune tests were performed on 43 patients with deterioration (deterioration group) in CT and 41 patients without deterioration (non-deterioration group). It was found that, the WBC count (M(Q1,Q3)), T lymphocyte, CD3 +, CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8+, CD3+CD4+CD8+ and CD45+ cells in deterioration group were siginificantly lower than those in non-deterioration group (4.460 (3.560, 4.900)×109/L vs. 5.130 (4.225, 7.050)×10 9/L, 1.290 (0.900, 1.520)×109/L vs. 1.600 (1.295,2.090)×10 9/L, 496.000 (304.000, 802.000)/μl vs. 1001.000 (766.500, 1230.000)/μl, 325.000 (183.000,480.000)/μl vs. 590.000 (468.500, 765.000)/μl, 186.000 (99.000, 330.000)/μl vs. 380.000.(227.500, 535.000)/μl, 2.000 (1.000, 5.000)/μl vs. 10.000 (5.000, 18.000)/μl, 998.000 (500.000, 1198.000)/μl vs. 1530.000 (1064.000,1885.000)/μl; U=542.500, 503.500, 348.000, 348.000, 457.000, 261.000, and 359.000, respectively; PWBC=0.002, and all of others P<0.001). Complement C3 in deterioration group was siginificantly higher than that in non-deterioration group (1.200 (1.000, 1.330) g/L vs. 1.060 (0.960, 1.225) g/L; U=118.500, P=0.034). Conclusion The deterioration of pulmonary lesions in patients with COVID-19 within 72 hours after admission may be related to the changes of immune status. Monitoring the changes of chest CT and immune indexes is of guiding significance for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Recent advances in molecular diagnostics of nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases
    LIAO Xin-lei, WANG Gui-rong
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (2): 98-101.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.02.002
    Abstract653)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (1068KB)(1139)       Save

    Recently human infections caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are increasing. NTM diseases are mainly diagnosed by laboratory bacteriological assays. As a result of an increasing emphasis on the importance of differential identification of NTM species, several molecular tools have recently been introduced in clinical settings. In this paper, we summarized frequently used molecular diagnostics for identification and differentiation of NTM species and their relevant strengths and weaknesses to facilitate the choice of related assays.

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    Influencing factors of tuberculosis infection of newly admitted patients in a drug rehab center from 2017 to 2019
    WANG Yan, ZHENG Kai-qiao, WEI Yi-ting, FANG Hong-xia
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2020, 9 (1): 32-36.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2020.01.008
    Abstract523)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (810KB)(1121)       Save

    Objective To analysis the current states and influencing factors of tuberculosis infection of drug addicts before compulsory isolation and rehabilitation. Methods Tuberculin skin test (TST) was used to screen the tuberculin infection of the newly admitted detoxists from April 2017 to June 2019. According to the WS 288-2017 tuberculosis diagnosis. Logistic regression was used to analyze the possible influencing factors of tuberculosis infection, with age, education level, marital status, body mass index (BMI) value, BCG scar, suspicious symptoms of tuberculosis, underlying disease, years of drug abuse, times of drug withdrawal and other factors as independent variables and infection as dependent variables. Results A total of 754 drug addicts were screened, 429 (56.9%) were positive for TST and 148 (19.6%) were strongly positive. There were 428 cases (56.8%) have a BCG scar. According to the standard, there were 379 people infected with tuberculosis, and the tuberculosis infection rate of drug addicts was 50.3%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that, age (OR=1.04,P=0.001) and BMI (OR=1.08,P=0.003) were influencing factors of tuberculosis infection. Conclusion Drug addicts have a relatively high level of tuberculosis infection before compulsory isolation for drug rehab.In order to avoid the outbreak of tuberculosis epidemic, the drug treatment centers should strengthen the prevention and control of tuberculosis for drug addicts, especially those who are older and higher BMI.

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    TANG Shen-jie
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2016, 5 (1): 7-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2016.01.003
    Abstract431)      PDF(pc) (875KB)(1116)       Save
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    Interpretation of the Diagnosis of Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria Disease
    LUO Xue-jiao, SHA Wei
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (2): 116-119.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.02.005
    Abstract648)   HTML11)    PDF(pc) (1048KB)(1100)       Save

    To further standardize the diagnosis of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) diseases in China, Chinese Anti-tuberculosis Association developed a consortium standard The Diagnosis of Non-tuberculous Mycobacterial Disease which was launched and put it into force from July 7th, 2020. In this paper, the background and main content of the standard are explained in detail to provide references for the majority of health care workers,and to further improve the general understanding and diagnosis capability of NTM disease.

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    The main influencing factors affecting tuberculosis incidence
    CHENG Jun*, LUO Ying-hui, ZHANG Can-you, ZHANG Hui
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2013, 2 (3): 202-205.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3755.2013.03.015
    Abstract443)      PDF(pc) (751KB)(1089)       Save
    Based on results of published original article and systematic review, we summarize respectively the risk ratio and mechanism of main biological influencing factors and behavioral influencing factors including gender, age, genetic factor, HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, silicosis, cigarette smoking and alcoholism,and provide re-ference for further study on risk factors affecting tuberculosis incidence.
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    Bibliometric analysis of tuberculosis patient and care system delay based on Web of Science core database
    SUN Ming-lei, GUAN Li, LIANG Li-bo, ZHAO Juan, WANG Chen, ZOU Dan-dan
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 62-68.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.014
    Abstract509)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1380KB)(1080)       Save

    Objective To explore the current situation, hotspots and development trends in the field of tuberculosis patient visit delay and care system delay. Methods Using “tuberculosis delay” as the search term, the Web of Science core database was searched and preliminary analyzed in the field of tuberculosis delay from 1979 to 2019. A total of 551 related articles were retrieved, and editing materials, books, conference abstracts and other irrelated research were excluded and 427 documents available for analysis. CiteSpace software, visualization analysis was conducted on the countries, high-cited journals, high-frequency keywords, etc, and the importance of countries and high frequency keywords was measured by the index of centrality. Results The number of articles in the field of tuberculosis delay research was generally on the rise, from 1 article in 1979 to 40 articles in 2019. Among them, ≥15 papers were published each year from 2008 to 2019. The research countries of tuberculosis delay mainly concentrated in the United States, China, the United Kingdom and France, with 86 (20.1%, 86/427), 35 (8.2%, 35/427), 35 (8.2%, 35/427) and 21 (4.9%, 21/427), respectively. The top three central countries were the United Kingdom (0.41), the Netherlands (0.39) and the United States (0.24). According to the keyword cluster analysis, ‘delay of tuberculosis patients’ visit’, ‘delay of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis medical and health system’ and ‘gender difference of delay’ were three major research hotspots in this field, with the frequency of 29, 19 and 26 respectively. Conclusion The research on the delay of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis patients and medical and health system started late. The research heat in recent ten years is at a high level, and the developed countries are more central in this field.

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    Progress on changes of micronutrients and nutritional therapy of active pulmonary tuberculosis
    WANG Le-le, YANG Song, TANG Shen-jie
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (3): 281-284.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.03.015
    Abstract709)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (852KB)(1078)       Save

    Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) exist protein-energy malnutrition, essential microelements and vitamins deficiency, and all of them are high risk factors of pathogenesis and progression of disease. There is an obvious two-way causal relationship between malnutrition and active PTB. But the proper attention is not yet paid to nutritional problems of tuberculosis, especially for deficiency of microelements and vitamins. Having referred to a lot of documents, the authors have done a deep review about the type, characteristics, the damage of malnutrition, and the benefits of nutrient supplement to the active PTB patients, in order to improve the level of awareness in clinical treatment of clinicians.

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    The early image follow-up of CT scan after treatment with radiofrequency ablation of 226 cases lung malignant neoplasm
    HU Mu, LIU Lei, QIAN Kun, CHEN Dong-hong, LIU Bao-dong, ZHI Xiu-yi
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2013, 2 (1): 14-18.  
    Abstract360)      PDF(pc) (1982KB)(1076)       Save
    Objective The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the CT appearance of lung neoplasms after treatment with radiofrequency ablation (RFA).Methods The imaging of 233 pulmonary lessions treated by RFA in 226 patients with thoracicneoplasms were followed up. Two hundred and one neoplasms were primary lung cancer and 25 were metastases. The mean pretreatment neoplasm size was (4.36±2.45)cm (range, 1.00-10.60cm). The mean time of follow-up was 13.61 months (range, 1-30months). Imaging findings on CT were evaluated by three radiologists and thoracic surgeons by consensus.Results The most common finding immediately after treatment was peripheral ground-glass opacity surrounding the treated neoplasm, seen in 215 patients (95.13%,215/226). This lesion rapidly resolved by the end of the first month. 127 tumors (56.19%,127/226) developed bubble lucencies after ablation. Cavitation was seen in 51 tumors (22.57%,51/226) on follow-up CT and was more common in the bigger neoplasms. Malignant pleural effusions were usually seen after 3 months. One hundred and twenty-one tumors (65.05%,121/186) enlarged from pretreatment CT scans with follow-up imaging at 1 month. At 3 and 6 months after RFA, 66 cases (46.15%,66/143) and 57 cases (50.89%,57/112) tumors decreased in size. Then the percentage became to drop.Conclusion Conclusion peripheral ground-glass opacity, cavitation, and bubble lucencies are common findings on CT after RFA. Cavitation was more common in bigger neoplasms. Many treated neoplasms increased in size from baseline within 1 month. At 6 month, they decreased in size most obviously. Enlargement of a treated tumor after 6 months is regarded as tumor progression. CT scan is one of the effective methods to evaluate the lung neoplasm after RFA.
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    Analysis of clinical characteristics and therapeutic effect of 96 patients with spinal tuberculosis underwent surgical treatment
    XIAO Juan, PI Hong-lin, SUN Qing-peng
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 38-42.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.009
    Abstract564)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (1261KB)(1069)       Save

    Objective Explore the diagnosis and treatment characteristics of spinal tuberculosis (STB). Methods Clinical data of all 96 cases of STB patients in Xiangyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from June 2013 to June 2018 were collected, clinical characteristics, laboratory results, imaging manifestations, treatment methods and prognosis were recorded and analyzed. Results Ninety-six patients were included in this study, including 51 males and 45 females, age ranging from 13 to 73, with an average age of (48.3±10.6) years old. 10.4% (10/96) of the patients were urban residents, and 89.6% (86/96) of the patients were suburban residents. The main symptom was back pain (90.6%, 87/96). X-ray detection rate was 85.4% (82/96), CT or MRI detection rate was 92.7% (89/96), the most common involved segment was the lumbar spine (52.1%, 50/96). 83.3% (80/96) of the patients completed CRP test, the abnormal rate was 72.9% (70/96); 85.4% (82/96) patients completed ESR examination, the abnormal rate was 79.2% (76/96). 21.9% (21/96) patients underwent one-stage anterior surgery, 62.5% (60/96) patients underwent one-stage posterior surgery, and 15.6% (15/96) patients underwent combined anterior and posterior surgery. Finally, 85 patients (88.5%) reached the standard of cure less than 18-months treatment. The other 2 patients had more underlying diseases, resulting in long-term sinus failure. Nine patients did not recover at the last follow-up (≥18 months) because they did not receive standard anti-tuberculosis treatment after operation. Conclusion The most common symptom of spinal tuberculosis patients is lumbar and back pain, the detection rate by imaging examination is high, the proportion of rural population is large, and the compliance of patients is poor. Therefore, the publicity of spinal tuberculosis knowledge and follow-up should be strengthened to improve the sensitivity and compliance of patients, so as to improve the cure rate.

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    The clinical analysis of 48 youth cases of lung cancer first misdiagnosed as tuberculosis
    GUO Shuai,L Yan,YU Xue-yan,HOU Dai-lun
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2013, 2 (1): 38-40.  
    Abstract289)      PDF(pc) (686KB)(1066)       Save
    Objective To study the misdiagnosis reasons of lung cancer in young patients,and raise the awareness of the youth lung cancer and provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment.Methods A retrospective analysis of clinical data of 48 patients younger than 40 years old who had been histologically confirmed as lung cancer and used to be misdiagnosed as tuberculosis initially by Shandong Chest Hospital from 2006 to 2012.Results Twenty-three cases were confirmed by fiberoptic bronchoscopy biopsy, 15 cases by CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsy, 5 by thoracoscopic biopsy, 2 by lymph node biopsy, 2 by pleural effusion cytology and 1 by sputum cytology.Conclusion Youth lung cancer is easily misdiagnosed as tuberculosis, and should be paid more attention. We should make the diagnosis in conjunction with the symptoms, imaging, fiberoptic bronchoscopy and percuta-neous needle biopsy, superficial lymph node biopsy.
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    Clinical analysis of 27 neurobrucellosis cases misdiagnosed as tuberculosis meningitis
    WANG Li-hua, LIU Yan-yan
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (2): 183-185.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.02.019
    Abstract593)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (748KB)(1066)       Save

    To investigate the clinical features of neurobrucellosis patients and reduce misdiagnosis,a retrospective study was conducted on 27 cases with neurobrucellosis in Taiyuan Tuberculosis Hospital during Jan 2009 to Dec 2019. Epidemiological information, clinical manifestations, etiology/laboratory data and imaging characteristics,diagnosis and treatment outcomes were collected from medical record. All of 27 patients were misdiagnosed as suspected tuberculosis meningitis and transferred to our hospital,18 (66.7%) had a history of raising livestock,and 1 had brucellosis history; 27 cases (100.0%) had headache, other common symptoms were fever (88.9%, 24/27), dysuria or urinary incontinence and constipation (37.0%, 10/27),etc. Laboratory tests showed that 22 cases (81.5%) had meningeal irritation signs, 22 cases (81.5%) had increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure,27 cases (100.0%) had increased leukocyte counts and proteins, 25 (92.6%) had decreased glucose level, and 23(85.2%) had chloride decrease. Imaging findings all patients were characterized by demyelinating changes and encephalitis in white matter area of the brain.Twenty-five patients were diagnosed by RBPT and 2 by next-generation sequencing of cerebrospinal fluid. The time of disease onset to diagnosis ranged from 2 week to 8 months, with 20 cases (74.1%) more than 1 month. Based on treatment of doxycycline combined with rifampicin, adding ceftriaxone, levofloxacin, amikacin could improve patients’ symptoms after 2 weeks’ treatment,25 cases (92.6%) were cured after 6-12 month’ treatment and 2 cases were in medical terms.Consider that compared with other central nervous system diseases,the neurobrucellosis has diverse clinical manifestations, lack specificity, resulting in the high rate of misdiagnosis; RBPT should be performed to detect neurobrucellosis if there was a history of living or traveling in pastoral areas or unexplained neurological symptoms accompanied with fever,and the treatment outcomes is obvious and the prognosis is good.

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    Investigation and analysis of a imported family cluster coronavirus disease 2019 case in Pingliang City of Gansu Province
    JI Xin-fen
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2021, 2 (1): 58-61.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.013
    Abstract669)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (725KB)(1060)       Save

    Objective To investigate and analyze a family-cluster case caused by imported coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) from abroad and provide evidence for its prevention and control. Methods We conducted epidemiological investigation, medical isolation and observation on a male patient with suspected COVID-19 (index patient, got suspected on February 4, 2020) and his close contacts in Huating, Pingliang City of Gansu Province. Their throat swabs were collected for nucleic acid test of SARS-CoV2 (real-time PCR). Results A total of 40 close contacts were identified through the investigation. The index patient was diagnosed on February 7, and then 6 confirmed patients were discovered from his close contacts: his mother, wife, second eldest sister and little daughter who returned home on January 26, and his eldest sister as well as his father-in-law. This family cluster case was finally deemed to be caused by a confirmed patient returning to Xingping City from Wuhan City to the aunt (Mrs Wu) of the returning child, and then from Mrs Wu to the other returnees. Frequent gathering meals and overnight stays with the index patient and the other 5 close contacts were the main reasons for this cluster outbreak. Three generations of cases were generated in this family cluster. The total secondary attack rate was 17.1% (7/41), and the second-generation secondary attack rate was 35.7% (5/14) while the third-generation secondary attack rate was 3.7% (1/27). Conclusion This epidemic was a family cluster case caused by imported COVID-19 patients from outside the current city. During the COVID-19 spreading period, gatherings should be reduced and close contact should be avoided. In addition, epidemiological investigations, isolation and nucleic acid testing of patients and their close contacts should be initiated timely which can quickly break the chain of transmission and confirm the diagnosis promptly.

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    Diagnostic value of melting curve method in detecting resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to rifampicin and isoniazid
    SU Bi-yi, ZHOU De-wang, MA Pin-yun, GUAN Ping, TAN Yao-ju
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease    2020, 1 (3): 245-248.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2020.03.008
    Abstract828)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (1050KB)(1060)       Save

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of fluorescence PCR probe melting curve technique (hereinafter referred to as melting curve technique) in detecting for the resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to rifampicin and isoniazid. Methods Sputum specimens of 832 smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients were cultured in liquid, and the results showed that specimens of 35 cases were contaminated, 52 were culture negative, and 745 were positive. Seven hundred and forty-five positive cultures were then tested with gene chip which found 7 cases of mixed infection, 60 cases of non-mycobacterium tuberculosis, and 678 cases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. The BACTEC MGIT 960 (“MGIT 960”) liquid drug sensitivity test and melting curve method were then performed on specimens of those 678 cases to detect drug resistance of rifampicin and isoniazid. The results of the melting curve method in rifampicin detection were invalid (impossible to tell whether it’s resistant) in 31 cases and isoniazid in 34 cases,for the remaining 639 cases valid results were reported for both rifampicin and isoniazid. Taking MGIT 960 liquid drug sensitivity test method as the golden standard to analyze the performance of melting curve method. Results The rate of concordance, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value to rifampicin detection were 96.2% (615/639), 93.3% (126/135), 97.0% (489/504), 89.4% (126/141) and 98.2% (489/498) respectively. The Kappa value was 0.89. The rate of concordance, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value to isoniazid detection were 93.6% (598/639), 83.1% (157/189), 98.0% (441/450), 94.6% (157/166) and 93.2% (441/473) respectively. The Kappa value was 0.84. Conclusion The melting curve method has high sensitivity and good specificity for detecting rifampicin and isoniazid resistance, thus is of great value for early diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

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    Interpretation of expert consensus on diagnosis and treatment of adult bronchiectasis
    MA Yan-liang
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health    2013, 2 (2): 79-82.  
    Abstract354)      PDF(pc) (631KB)(1059)       Save
    Bronchiectasis is a common chronic respiratory disease. The expert consensus on diagnosis and treatment of adult bronchiectasis published in 2012 provides detailed guidelines on diagnosis,investigation and parti-cularly treatment of bronchiectasis. Long-term treatment such as airway clearance techniques,use of anti-inflammation medications and bronchodilators and rehabilitation are emphasized. Antibiotic therapy should be standardized with regular airway bacterial colonization and antimicrobial resistance monitoring. Policies for rotational use of antibiotics should be implemented to prevent and improve antibiotic resistance.
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Bimonthly, Established in June 2020
ISSN 2096-8493
CN 10-1695/R

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