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Bimonthly, Established in June 2020
ISSN 2096-8493
CN 10-1695/R

    Responsible Institution
    China Association for Scienceand Technology
    Chinese Antituberculosis Association
    42 Dongsi Xidajie,Beijing 100710,China
    Editorial Board of Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
    5 Dongguang Hutong,Beijing 100035,China
    http:// www.jtbld cn
    TANG Shen-jie(唐神结)
    Managing Director
    FAN Yong-de(范永德)
    Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis Publishing House
    5 Dongguang Hutong, Beijing 100035,China
    Tomato Cloud Printing (Cangzhou) Co., Ltd.
    Overseas Distributor
    China International Book Trading Corporation
    P.O.Box 399,Beijing 100044,China
    Code No.BM3595