Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease ›› 2023, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (5): 383-390.doi: 10.19983/j.issn.2096-8493.20230077
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Yang Ting, Xie Fanghui, Yao Rong()
Yao Rong, Email: Supported by:
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Yang Ting, Xie Fanghui, Yao Rong. Analysis of physical function and influencing factors in elderly inpatients with pulmonary tuberculosis[J]. Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease , 2023, 4(5): 383-390. doi: 10.19983/j.issn.2096-8493.20230077
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特征 | 例数(构成比,%) | BBS得分 (分, | BI得分 (分, | MFS得分 (分, |
性别 | ||||
男性 | 305(71.10) | 50.15±10.87 | 82.57±17.43 | 42.28±12.51 |
女性 | 124(28.90) | 49.01±11.61 | 80.48±18.05 | 40.97±13.46 |
t值 | 0.970 | 1.110 | 0.960 | |
P值 | 0.330 | 0.270 | 0.340 | |
年龄组(岁) | ||||
60~70 | 253(58.97) | 51.80±9.78 | 84.92±15.69 | 40.06±12.22 |
71~80 | 138(32.17) | 48.82±10.85 | 79.09±19.63 | 42.61±12.65 |
>80 | 38(8.86) | 40.32±14.56 | 72.76±17.66 | 51.58±12.63 |
F值 | 20.213 | 11.073 | 14.592 | |
P值 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | |
文化程度 | ||||
小学及以下 | 302(70.40) | 48.71±12.14 | 80.71±17.48 | 42.45±12.90 |
初中 | 89(20.74) | 53.06±5.00 | 85.45±16.00 | 39.78±12.97 |
高中/中专 | 22(5.13) | 51.45±12.14 | 80.45±24.39 | 42.27±9.97 |
大专及以上 | 16(3.73) | 50.56±10.24 | 88.44±15.57 | 42.81±12.91 |
F值 | 3.788 | 2.468 | 1.039 | |
P值 | 0.011 | 0.042 | 0.375 | |
婚姻状况 | ||||
未婚 | 9(2.11) | 47.78±18.20 | 80.56±29.52 | 39.89±19.17 |
已婚 | 346(80.65) | 50.40±10.46 | 82.93±17.12 | 41.36±12.20 |
离异 | 8(1.86) | 49.38±13.80 | 75.00±28.79 | 35.00±10.69 |
丧偶 | 66(15.38) | 47.15±12.55 | 77.95±16.27 | 45.98±14.28 |
F值 | 1.700 | 1.937 | 3.453 | |
P值 | 0.166 | 0.123 | 0.017 | |
家庭人口数(名) | ||||
1~3 | 126(29.37) | 49.32±12.28 | 81.75±19.88 | 41.51±12.01 |
4~6 | 219(51.05) | 50.31±10.33 | 82.97±15.89 | 41.03±12.88 |
≥7 | 84(19.58) | 49.31±11.20 | 79.70±18.27 | 44.76±13.28 |
F值 | 0.432 | 1.058 | 2.694 | |
P值 | 0.650 | 0.348 | 0.049 | |
居住地 | ||||
市级及以上 | 162(37.76) | 50.17±11.79 | 84.41±15.84 | 40.90±12.74 |
镇或县 | 87(20.28) | 48.79±11.26 | 80.63±17.60 | 42.70±11.53 |
农村 | 180(41.96) | 50.01±10.36 | 80.42±18.95 | 42.42±13.40 |
F值 | 0.479 | 2.526 | 0.817 | |
P值 | 0.620 | 0.081 | 0.442 | |
饮酒情况 | ||||
从不饮酒 | 215(50.12) | 50.12±9.99 | 81.74±16.44 | 42.14±13.90 |
已戒酒 | 149(34.73) | 49.44±12.28 | 82.01±19.09 | 40.97±11.77 |
饮酒 | 65(15.15) | 49.72±11.81 | 82.62±18.14 | 43.23±11.13 |
F值 | 0.165 | 0.061 | 0.780 | |
P值 | 0.848 | 0.940 | 0.459 | |
吸烟情况 | ||||
从不吸烟 | 204(47.55) | 49.58±10.88 | 82.45±16.06 | 41.79±13.91 |
已戒烟 | 161(37.53) | 49.94±11.37 | 81.77±18.69 | 41.37±11.47 |
吸烟 | 64(14.92) | 50.30±11.21 | 80.94±19.72 | 43.59±12.23 |
F值 | 0.117 | 0.196 | 0.708 | |
P值 | 0.889 | 0.822 | 0.493 | |
体质量指数 | ||||
<18.5 | 98(22.84) | 45.07±14.03 | 75.82±17.82 | 46.12±12.83 |
18.5~23.9 | 250(58.28) | 50.91±9.80 | 82.56±17.83 | 41.28±12.51 |
24.0~28.0 | 68(15.85) | 53.13±6.86 | 89.29±12.44 | 37.46±11.74 |
>28.0 | 13(3.03) | 16.33±4.53 | 77.69±21.18 | 45.77±15.12 |
F值 | 9.505 | 8.299 | 6.931 | |
P值 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | |
合并症数量(个) | ||||
1~2 | 205(47.79) | 51.55±8.86 | 84.76±14.39 | 41.37±12.35 |
3~4 | 213(49.65) | 48.25±12.41 | 79.27±19.81 | 42.58±13.07 |
5~6 | 11(2.56) | 48.18±11.64 | 82.27±20.78 | 38.64±15.35 |
F值 | 4.828 | 5.160 | 0.840 | |
P值 | 0.008 | 0.006 | 0.433 | |
肺结核病程(月) | ||||
0~6 | 284(66.20) | 49.39±11.51 | 82.90±16.53 | 41.90±13.26 |
7~12 | 52(12.12) | 51.31±9.59 | 78.56±20.08 | 41.35±12.41 |
>12 | 93(21.68) | 50.31±10.57 | 81.02±17.62 | 42.20±11.57 |
F值 | 0.771 | 1.513 | 0.075 | |
P值 | 0.463 | 0.221 | 0.928 | |
治疗分类 | ||||
初治 | 297(69.23) | 49.68±11.48 | 83.47±16.28 | 41.20±12.80 |
复治 | 132(30.77) | 50.14±10.18 | 78.60±19.97 | 43.48±12.66 |
t值 | -0.399 | 2.660 | -1.716 | |
P值 | 0.690 | 0.008 | 0.087 | |
耐药情况 | ||||
是 | 36(8.39) | 53.57±4.81 | 87.17±8.58 | 41.33±13.13 |
否 | 393(91.61) | 49.55±11.42 | 81.65±18.04 | 41.90±12.79 |
t值 | 1.910 | 1.658 | -0.232 | |
P值 | 0.057 | 0.098 | 0.817 | |
痰菌情况 | ||||
阴性 | 250(58.28) | 50.64±10.90 | 83.01±17.41 | 41.91±12.88 |
阳性 | 179(41.72) | 48.75±11.37 | 80.73±17.79 | 41.79±12.74 |
t值 | 1.722 | 1.322 | 0.094 | |
P值 | 0.046 | 0.187 | 0.925 |
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