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Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease ›› 2022, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (6): 469-476.doi: 10.19983/j.issn.2096-8493.20220154

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Investigation on catastrophic cost of pulmonary tuberculosis in three counties, Yunnan Province

Liu Liangli1, Zhao Yujie2, Yang Yunbin1, Chen Jin’ou1, Xu Lin1()   

  1. 1. Institute of Tuberculosis Control and Prevention, Yunnan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kunming 650022, China
    2. Department of Planned Immunization, Kunming Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kunming 650228, China
  • Received:2022-09-26 Online:2022-12-20 Published:2022-12-15
  • Contact: Xu Lin
  • Supported by:
    Yunnan Provincial Department of Health(2018NS0226);Yunnan Health Training Program for High-Level Talents(H-2019027);Yunnan Provincial High-Level Talent Incubator Program


Objective: To investigate the catastrophic costs of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and the influencing factors, in order to provide reference for formulating and improving social security measures for PTB patients in Yunnan Province. Methods: A retrospective investigation was conducted in 233 PTB patients who completed the course of treatment from Mojiang, Lancang and Simao County, Yunnan Province by the way of face-to-face questionnaire and hospital information system query since 2017. The catastrophic costs of PTB patients (account for over 20% of annual income) influencing factors were investigated. Results: A total of 233 patients were included in this survey. The total cost (M(Q1,Q3)) was RMB 7820 (5269, 12754) yuan with the total self paid cost of 4623 (3251, 7637) yuan, which accounted for 60.81% of the total cost. The direct medical cost was RMB 2705 (1727, 4559) yuan, which accounted for 62.89% of the total self paid cost. The indirect medical cost was 1760 (822, 3192) yuan, which accounted for 37.11% of the total self paid cost. Overall, the proportion of patients with catastrophic cost was 69.53% (162/233). The results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that patients with high annual family income (≥RMB 4000 yuan) had low risk of catastrophic expenditure (OR=0.062, 95%CI: 0.025-0.156), and the risk of catastrophic expenditure was high in patients with more than once hospitalization experiences or multi-hospital experiences (OR=37.610, 95%CI: 7.615-185.742; OR=4.196, 95%CI: 1.457-12.079). Conclusion: The situation of PTB patients experienced catastrophic cost is severe in Yunnan Province, thus, it is necessary to strengthen the formulation and improvement of social security measures for patients with low annual family income per capita, more than once hospitalization experiences or multi-hospital experiences.

Key words: Tuberculosis, pulmonary, Medical indigency, Small-area analysis

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