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    30 March 2021, Volume 2 Issue 1
    Special Topic
    Molecular detection technologies for diagnosing tuberculous meningitis using cerebrospinal fluid
    HAN Li-jun, ZHAO Xue-yao
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  8-12.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.003
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    Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is a common tuberculosis disease affecting central nervous system. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are key to improve the prognosis of TBM patients. However, traditional detection methods of MTB are usually with poor sensitivity and time-consuming, we lack effective rapid clinic detection methods, thus it is very difficult to make early diagnosis of TBM. In the review, the current situation, latest progress and existing problems of TBM molecular detecting technologies for testing cerebrospinal fluid samples were displayed and discussed, to offer references for clinical practice.

    Considerations for the application of laboratory diagnostics in detecting drug-resistant tuberculosis
    ZHANG Zhi-guo, GUO Hai-ping, PANG Yu
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  13-17.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.004
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    Drug-resistant tuberculosis remains an important challenge for TB control. The recent development of molecular biology diagnostics overcomes the shortcomings of traditional drug-resistance diagnosis methods, which has increased its value in clinical applications, but how to make better use of molecular biological diagnostic methods for clinical service is worth to be considered. In this paper, the authors systematically analyze the current diagnostics for drug-resistant tuberculosis, and summarize the dilemmas in the clinical use of molecular diagnostics for detection of drug resistance tuberculosis, aiming to provide important clinical experience for the diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

    Original Articles
    Evaluation of the application value of fluorescence PCR probe melting curve method in detecting drug resistance in elderly pulmonary tuberculosis patients
    WANG Zhi-hui, DONG Ya-kun, CHI Yue-peng, DI Hong-qin, LIANG Ya-chong, XIE Lan-pin
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  18-22.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.005
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    Objective To evaluate the application value of fluorescent PCR probe melting curve method (probe melting curve) in detecting the resistance of MTB clinical isolated from elderly tuberculosis patients to first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs. Methods A retrospective study was conducted on 159 elderly pulmonary tuberculosis patients aged ≥65 years and admitted to Hebei Chest Hospital from September 2018 to October 2020. All the patients were definitely diagnosed of tuberculosis, and with positive signs of imaging examination, positive culture of BACTEC MGIT 960, and preliminary identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) by growth test of p-nitrobenzoic acid (PNB) differential medium.MGIT 960 drug sensitivity test and probe melting curve were used to detect the drug resistance to rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol and streptomycin,and mutation of MTB clinical isolates.The results of MGIT 960 drug sensitivity test were selected as the reference standard, the detection efficiency of the probe fusion curve method was evaluated, and the mutation sites of drug-resistance genes were sequenced in the strains with inconsistent results of the two drug sensitivity detection methods. Results Using the results of MGIT 960 drug sensitivity test as the standard, the sensitivities of MTB to rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol and streptomycin by probe fusion curve method were 98.31% (58/59), 96.72% (59/61), 87.50% (35/40) and 81.40% (35/43), respectively, the specificities were 97.00% (97/100), 95.92% (94/98), 81.51% (97/119) and 80.17% (93/116), respectively; the coincidence rates were 97.48% (155/159), 96.23% (153/159), 83.02% (132/159) and 80.50% (128/159), respectively; and the Kappa values were 0.973, 0.974, 0.751 and 0.785, respectively. There were 4, 6, 27 and 31 strains of MTB with different resistance to rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol and streptomycin detected by the two detection methods. Among them, there were 3, 4, 22 and 23 strains of MTB with drug resistance detected by the probe melting curve method, and drug resistance mutation sites were found in all the resistant strains by drug resistance gene sequencing. Conclusion The probe fusion curve method could quickly detect MTB drug-resistant mutations with high sensitivity and specificity, with good consistency to the results of MGIT 960 drug sensitivity test; it could be used as the basis for the early anti-tuberculosis programs in elderly tuberculosis patients.

    Application value of GeneXpert MTB/RIF in diagnosis of joint tuberculosis and detection of rifampin resistance
    WANG Lian-bo, ZHANG Zhi-hua, LIU Feng-sheng, JIA Chen-guang, DONG Zhao-liang, YAO Xiao-wei, WU Shu-cai
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  23-25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.006
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    Objective To investigate the application value of GeneXpert MTB/RIF (GeneXpert) in the diagnosis of knee tuberculosis and the detection of rifampicin resistance. Methods Clinical data of 66 patients with suspected knee tuberculosis admitted to Hebei Chest Hospital from July 2015 to March 2019 were collected. According to the diagnostic criteria, 44 cases were diagnosed with knee tuberculosis and the other 22 cases were diagnosed with non-tuberculous knee infection. Pustus samples were taken intraoperatively for acid-fast staining, GeneXpert detection, and rapid culture by BACTEC MGIT 960 liquid culture system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (liquid culture), among which, drug resistance was detected by modified Roche absolute concentration drug sensitivity test in samples with positive results. The detection efficiency of acid-fast staining, GeneXpert detection and liquid culture was evaluated based on clinical diagnosis. Results Of the 66 samples, 25 were positive and 41 were negative in liquid culture. Of the 25 positive specimens, 4 were resistant to rifampicin and 21 were sensitive to rifampicin. Fourteen smears were positive in acid fast staining and 51 smears were negative. As to results of GeneXpert, 35 were positive and 31 were negative, and 4 were resistant to rifampicin. According to clinical diagnosis, the sensitivities of GeneXpert detection, acid-fast staining and liquid culture were 75.0% (33/44), 29.5% (13/44) and 52.3% (23/44), respectively; the specificities were 90.9% (20/22), 95.5% (21/22) and 90.9% (20/22), respectively. rpoB gene mutation was also detected by GeneXpert in the 4 samples that showed resistance to rifampicin in drug sensitivity test. Conclusion GeneXpert detection could simultaneously detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the drug resistance to rifampicin in knee effusion, the sensitivity was high and it had good application value.

    Analysis of the effectiveness of two different surgical methods on treating cervical lymph node tuberculosis
    ZHANG Zhe-nan, JIANG Nan-yang, WANG Wei, JIANG Lian-ju, LIU Yu-qin
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  26-30.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.007
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    Objective To explore and analyze the effectiveness of two different surgical methods on treating cervical lymph node tuberculosis. Methods A total of 347 patients with cervical lymph node tuberculosis diagnosed bacteriologically or pathologically and treated by surgery in the Department of General Surgery of Heilongjiang Infectious Disease Hospital from January 2016 to January 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 112 patients were treated with conventional debridement as the control group; 235 patients were treated with debridement combined with regional lymph node dissection as the study group. Cure rates, improvements of quality of life (QOL) scale, wound healing and complications of the two groups were analyzed. Results Cure rate of the study group (97.9%, 230/235) was significantly higher than that of the control group (84.8%, 95/112), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=6.14, P=0.029). Wound healing rate of grade A in the study group (90.6%, 213/235) was higher than that of the control group (63.4%, 71/112), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.71, P=0.018); the healing rates of grade B (8.5%, 20/235) and grade C (0.9%, 2/235) in the study group were lower than those of grade B (25.0%, 28/112) and grade C (11.6%, 13/112) in the control group, and those differences were statistically significant (χ2=5.16 and 4.43, P=0.032 and 0.028). Incidence of complications in the study group (5.1%, 12/235) was lower than that in the control group (17.9%, 20/112), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.17, P=0.012). After 3 months of anti-tuberculosis treatment, QOL score of the study group (52.83±2.19) was significantly higher than that of the control group (39.12±2.08), the difference was statistically significant (t=8.92, P=0.001). Conclusion Focus clearing combined with regional lymphadenectomy can effectively improve the postoperative healing rate, improve the rate of postoperative incision grade A healing, reduce the incidence of postoperative complications, and improve the quality of life of patients.

    Factors of persistent cough secondary to thoracoscopic resection of lung cancer
    XIN Wu-qun, CHEN Xiao, TANG Jin-xing, XU Gao-jun, ZHOU Zhen-qiang, HE Yi
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  31-37.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.008
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    Objective To study the factors of persistent cough after pulmonary resection (CAP) in patients with lung cancer after thoracoscopic lobectomy. Methods A retrospective analysis had been conducted with clinical data of 570 patients (163 cases in CAP group and 407 cases in non-CAP group) with lung cancer who underwent surgery in the Department of Thoracic Surgery of He’nan Provincial People’s Hospital from April 2017 to October 2019, including gender, age, BMI, smoking history, surgical side (left or right), surgical lobe site (upper lobe or not), anesthesia time, dissected peritracheal lymph nodes, pathological types, postoperative pleural effusion and/or pneumothorax. The factors of CAP were examined through univariable and multivariable logistic regression. Results The occurrence rate of CAP was 28.60% (163/570) among 570 lung cancer surgery patients. Univariable analysis showed that the occurrence rates of CAP among patients with age <60 years, BMI ≥24.28, no smoking history, right surgical side, upper lobe surgery, anesthesia time ≥196.36 min, no peritracheal lymph node dissection and without postoperative pleural effusion/pneumothorax (32.34% (109/337), 33.33% (86/258), 33.33% (91/273), 33.93% (113/333), 34.11% (117/343), 35.68% (71/199), 29.85% (157/526), 36.11% (52/144)) were higher than those with age ≥60 years, BMI<24.28, smoking history, left side surgery, surgery outside upper lobe, anesthesia time <196.36 min, peritracheal lymph node dissection and postoperative pleural effusion/pneumothorax (23.18% (54/233), 24.68% (77/312), 24.24% (72/297), 21.10% (50/237), 20.26% (46/227), 24.80% (92/371), 13.64% (6/44) and 26.06% (111/426)). The differences were statistically significant (χ2 values were 5.671, 5.179, 5.757, 11.174, 12.826, 7.510, 5.226 and 5.329, respectively, P values were 0.017, 0.023, 0.016, 0.001, 0.001, 0.006, 0.022 and 0.021, respectively). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that age ≥60 years (OR=0.616, 95%CI: 0.424-0.895) and smoking history (OR=0.656, 95%CI: 0.432-0.997) were protective factors for CAP; BMI<24.28 (reference: BMI ≥24.28; OR=1.814, 95%CI: 1.241-2.652) and right side surgery (reference: left; OR=3.601, 95%CI: 1.695-7.561), upper lobe surgery (reference: outside upper lobe; OR=1.114, 95%CI: 1.020-1.217), anesthesia time ≥196.36 min (reference: <196.36 min; OR=1.789, 95%CI: 1.214-2.636), and peritracheal lymph node dissection (reference: no dissection, OR=2.730, 95%CI: 1.126-6.622) were risk factors of CAP. Conclusion Patients with age <60 years, BMI<24.28, no smoking history, right side surgery, upper lobe surgery, anesthesia time ≥196.36 min, and peritracheal lymph node dissection have higher risk of CAP after surgery.

    Analysis of clinical characteristics and therapeutic effect of 96 patients with spinal tuberculosis underwent surgical treatment
    XIAO Juan, PI Hong-lin, SUN Qing-peng
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  38-42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.009
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    Objective Explore the diagnosis and treatment characteristics of spinal tuberculosis (STB). Methods Clinical data of all 96 cases of STB patients in Xiangyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from June 2013 to June 2018 were collected, clinical characteristics, laboratory results, imaging manifestations, treatment methods and prognosis were recorded and analyzed. Results Ninety-six patients were included in this study, including 51 males and 45 females, age ranging from 13 to 73, with an average age of (48.3±10.6) years old. 10.4% (10/96) of the patients were urban residents, and 89.6% (86/96) of the patients were suburban residents. The main symptom was back pain (90.6%, 87/96). X-ray detection rate was 85.4% (82/96), CT or MRI detection rate was 92.7% (89/96), the most common involved segment was the lumbar spine (52.1%, 50/96). 83.3% (80/96) of the patients completed CRP test, the abnormal rate was 72.9% (70/96); 85.4% (82/96) patients completed ESR examination, the abnormal rate was 79.2% (76/96). 21.9% (21/96) patients underwent one-stage anterior surgery, 62.5% (60/96) patients underwent one-stage posterior surgery, and 15.6% (15/96) patients underwent combined anterior and posterior surgery. Finally, 85 patients (88.5%) reached the standard of cure less than 18-months treatment. The other 2 patients had more underlying diseases, resulting in long-term sinus failure. Nine patients did not recover at the last follow-up (≥18 months) because they did not receive standard anti-tuberculosis treatment after operation. Conclusion The most common symptom of spinal tuberculosis patients is lumbar and back pain, the detection rate by imaging examination is high, the proportion of rural population is large, and the compliance of patients is poor. Therefore, the publicity of spinal tuberculosis knowledge and follow-up should be strengthened to improve the sensitivity and compliance of patients, so as to improve the cure rate.

    Meta analysis of pulmonary multidrug-resistant bacterial infection treated by combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine
    ZHOU Wei, ZHANG Shao-yan, WU Xian-wei, GUO Xiao-yan, LU Zhen-hui
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  43-49.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.010
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    Objective To systematically evaluate the clinical effectiveness and safety of traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy in the treatment of pulmonary multidrug-resistant bacterial infection. Methods We systematically searched Cochrane Clinical Trial Database, PubMed Database, China Knowledge Network (CNKI), VIP and Wanfang Database for all clinical research literature about traditional Chinese medicine therapy in the treatment of multidrug-resistant pulmonary bacterial infection which were enlisted before September 30th, 2020. Twenty-one clinical studies were finally included following our searching strategy. According to the modified Jadad scale, two researchers independently evaluated quality of those literature and extracted data. A total of 714 cases were included in the control group using conventional therapy, and 741 cases in the treatment group using traditional Chinese medicine combined with conventional therapy. RevMan 5.3 software was used to evaluate the effective rate, pulmonary infection score, improvement of chemical indexes (procalcitonin, C-reactive protein (CRP)) and adverse reactions of patients. Results Meta-analysis showed that the effective rate of the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control group (OR=4.63,95%CI=3.28-6.55), and the pulmonary infection score of the treatment group was significantly lower than that of the control group (Z=2.07, P=0.04, MD=-1.08, 95%CI=-2.11--0.06). In addition, the treatment group also had advantages in reducing CRP values (Z=2.24, P=0.03, MD=-5.02, 95%CI=-9.41--0.63). At the same time, there was no additional increase in the incidence of adverse reactions in patients in the treatment group compared with the control group, suggesting that the safety of the treatment group was better (Z=0.83, P=0.41, OR=1.48, 95%CI=0.59-3.72). However, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups when comparing the values of procalcitonin (Z=1.38, P=0.17, MD=-0.28, 95%CI=-0.68-0.12). Conclusion The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is safe and effective in treating pulmonary multidrug-resistant bacteria infection.

    Evaluation of treatment and management effect of DOTS combined with WeChat on pulmonary tuberculosis patients
    LI Yuan, GAO Feng-hua, JIN Feng
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  50-53.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.011
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    Objective To evaluate the application effect of directly observed treatment short curse (DOTS) combined with WeChat in the treatment and management of tuberculosis patients. Methods From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019, a total of 1988 registered active pulmonary tuberculosis patients meeting the inclusion criteria in Zibo were enrolled. According to the principle of informed consent, they were dived into DOTS+WeChat group (n=836) and single DOTS group (n=1152) cases were treated with management. The regular medication, treatment and outcome (the coincidence rate of sputum test times, the sputum negative conversion rates at the end of 2 months, the success rate of treatment), and patient management (the rate of supervision management and follow-up management) of the two groups were compared. Results The regular medication rate of single DOTS was statistically lower than that of DOTS+WeChat group (92.10% (1061/1152) vs. 98.80% (826/836); χ2=45.138, P<0.001). In terms of treatment and outcome, there was no significant difference between the two groups, the sputum negative conversion rates at the end of 2 months were 95.82% (436/455) in the single DOTS group and 97.44% (343/352) in the DOTS+WeChat group (χ2=1.553, P=0.213). The coincidence rate of sputum test times and the success rate of treatment in the DOTS+WeChat group were both significantly higher than those in the single DOTS group (95.81% (801/836) vs. 90.19% (1039/1152), χ2=22.230, P<0.001; 98.68% (825/836) vs. 96.53% (1112/1152), χ2=9.013, P=0.003). As to the supervision and follow-up management, the rates of supervision and follow-up management were both 100.00% in the two groups; while the rate of medical staff participating in supervision and management in the DOTS+WeChat group was significantly higher than that in the single DOTS group (100.00% (836/836) vs. 75.87% (874/1152), χ2=17.330, P<0.001). The complete follow-up rate in consolidation period and the rate of follow-up during the whole course in the single DOTS+WeChat group were significantly lower than those in the DOTS+WeChat group (98.35% (1133/1152) vs. 100.00% (836/836), χ2=13.921, P<0.001; 98.09% (1130/1152) vs. 99.76% (834/836), χ2=11.335, P=0.001). Conclusion The treatment management of DOTS combined with WeChat was better than the single DOTS, it was a feasible and effective management for tuberculosis patient.

    Evaluation of intervention effect of WeChat health education on the knowledge, belief, and behavior of tuberculosis prevention and treatment in college freshmen
    FANG Lan-jun, WU Hui-zhong, HUANG Shan-shan, WEN Wen-pei, ZHOU Lin, CHEN Liang
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  54-57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.012
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    Objective To explore the intervention effect of WeChat health education on the knowledge, beliefs and behaviors of tuberculosis prevention and treatment in college freshmen. Methods A cluster random sampling method was adopted, and a total of 1121 freshmen from a university in Guangzhou in 2018 were selected as the survey objects. From September to October 2018, trained school doctors used the school’s WeChat official account to publish knowledge about tuberculosis prevention and treatment every week. A uniformly designed questionnaire was used to investigate the subjects before and after the intervention to investigate their knowledge, beliefs and behaviors related to tuberculosis prevention and treatment, and to evaluate the effect of the intervention. Results The total awareness rate of the core knowledge of tuberculosis prevention and treatment increased from 73.10% (4772/6528) before the intervention to 85.48% (5580/6528) after the intervention, the difference was statistically significant (χ2=304.510, P<0.01). After the intervention, the mastering the method of reducing the transmission of tuberculosis and being more caring about tuberculosis patients were both significantly better than before (80.61% (877/1088) vs. 94.49% (1028/1088), χ2=96.106, P<0.05; 35.29% (384/1088) vs. 40.17% (437/1088), χ2=5.495, P<0.05); the proportion of willingness of frequently opening windows and spreading knowledge of tuberculosis to others in daily life were also significantly increased (91.64% (997/1088) vs. 96.42% (1049/1088), χ2=22.122, P<0.01; 57.26% (623/1088) vs. 73.99% (805/1088), χ2=67.480, P<0.01). Conclusion Health education through WeChat mainly in college had significant effect, and could play an important role in increasing the awareness of students’ core knowledge of tuberculosis prevention and treatment, as well as promoting correct beliefs and behaviors, and developing healthy life habits.

    Investigation and analysis of a imported family cluster coronavirus disease 2019 case in Pingliang City of Gansu Province
    JI Xin-fen
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  58-61.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.013
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    Objective To investigate and analyze a family-cluster case caused by imported coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) from abroad and provide evidence for its prevention and control. Methods We conducted epidemiological investigation, medical isolation and observation on a male patient with suspected COVID-19 (index patient, got suspected on February 4, 2020) and his close contacts in Huating, Pingliang City of Gansu Province. Their throat swabs were collected for nucleic acid test of SARS-CoV2 (real-time PCR). Results A total of 40 close contacts were identified through the investigation. The index patient was diagnosed on February 7, and then 6 confirmed patients were discovered from his close contacts: his mother, wife, second eldest sister and little daughter who returned home on January 26, and his eldest sister as well as his father-in-law. This family cluster case was finally deemed to be caused by a confirmed patient returning to Xingping City from Wuhan City to the aunt (Mrs Wu) of the returning child, and then from Mrs Wu to the other returnees. Frequent gathering meals and overnight stays with the index patient and the other 5 close contacts were the main reasons for this cluster outbreak. Three generations of cases were generated in this family cluster. The total secondary attack rate was 17.1% (7/41), and the second-generation secondary attack rate was 35.7% (5/14) while the third-generation secondary attack rate was 3.7% (1/27). Conclusion This epidemic was a family cluster case caused by imported COVID-19 patients from outside the current city. During the COVID-19 spreading period, gatherings should be reduced and close contact should be avoided. In addition, epidemiological investigations, isolation and nucleic acid testing of patients and their close contacts should be initiated timely which can quickly break the chain of transmission and confirm the diagnosis promptly.

    Bibliometric analysis of tuberculosis patient and care system delay based on Web of Science core database
    SUN Ming-lei, GUAN Li, LIANG Li-bo, ZHAO Juan, WANG Chen, ZOU Dan-dan
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  62-68.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.014
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    Objective To explore the current situation, hotspots and development trends in the field of tuberculosis patient visit delay and care system delay. Methods Using “tuberculosis delay” as the search term, the Web of Science core database was searched and preliminary analyzed in the field of tuberculosis delay from 1979 to 2019. A total of 551 related articles were retrieved, and editing materials, books, conference abstracts and other irrelated research were excluded and 427 documents available for analysis. CiteSpace software, visualization analysis was conducted on the countries, high-cited journals, high-frequency keywords, etc, and the importance of countries and high frequency keywords was measured by the index of centrality. Results The number of articles in the field of tuberculosis delay research was generally on the rise, from 1 article in 1979 to 40 articles in 2019. Among them, ≥15 papers were published each year from 2008 to 2019. The research countries of tuberculosis delay mainly concentrated in the United States, China, the United Kingdom and France, with 86 (20.1%, 86/427), 35 (8.2%, 35/427), 35 (8.2%, 35/427) and 21 (4.9%, 21/427), respectively. The top three central countries were the United Kingdom (0.41), the Netherlands (0.39) and the United States (0.24). According to the keyword cluster analysis, ‘delay of tuberculosis patients’ visit’, ‘delay of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis medical and health system’ and ‘gender difference of delay’ were three major research hotspots in this field, with the frequency of 29, 19 and 26 respectively. Conclusion The research on the delay of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis patients and medical and health system started late. The research heat in recent ten years is at a high level, and the developed countries are more central in this field.

    Review Articles
    Advances in molecular diagnostic techniques of tuberculosis in children
    JIAO Wei-wei
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  69-72.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.015
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    Tuberculosis is a major threat to children’s health. However, there are many difficulties in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in children. With the development of molecular biology technique, more and more new diagnostic methods for tuberculosis have emerged, including GeneXpert MTB/RIF, GeneXpert MTB/RIF ultra, metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) and methods based on isothermal amplification, as well as host based molecular diagnostic methods. This paper reviews the application of these methods in children.

    Progress of diagnostic research in biomarkers tuberculous pleurisy
    GUI Xu-wei, KE Hui, GU Jin
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  73-77.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.016
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    Tuberculous pleurisy is the most common type of adult extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. To detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pleural effusion is difficult, and in clinic, it requires a combination of bacteriology, pathology, molecular biology, cellular immunology and a comprehensive diagnostic strategy. Moreover, it is difficult to differentiate with malignant pleural diseases and other infectious pleural diseases. Recently, there have been many studies on the biomarkers of tuberculous pleural effusion. The progress of nucleic acid detection technology and its wide application in the field of tuberculosis have also provided a new diagnostic method for tuberculous pleurisy. Both adenosine deaminase (ADA) and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) have high sensitivity and specificity, they can be used as specific biomarkers of tuberculous pleurisy. Interleukin-27 (IL-27) is a promising biomarker. Acid amplification assay (NAATS) and miRNA have developed rapidly, but the property in the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy is not satisfactory. The combined application of multiple methods can greatly improve the diagnostic accuracy.

    Research progress on the effectiveness and adverse reactions of clofazimine in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
    GUI Min, CHEN Jing-fang, DENG Guo-fang, FU Liang, ZENG Gu-qing
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  78-82.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.017
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    Clofazimine is a representative repurposed drug in the field of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Clofazimine can effectively increase the sputum negative conversion, lung lesion absorption, and cavity reduction of MDR-TB, without increasing the incidence of adverse reactions. It is an important drug recommended by the WHO guidelines. We briefly reviewed the clinical application progress and adverse reaction management of clofazimine in the treatment of MDR-TB, in order to provide references for clinical medication and clinical research.

    Study progress on the application of sputum induction in the etiological diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
    HAN Mei, HAN Pu, CHEN Ya-ting, YANG Song, YAN Xiao-feng
    Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2021, 2(1):  83-87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-8493.2021.01.018
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    Sputum induction is recognized as a safe and non-invasive sampling method for collecting and analyzing airway cells, obtaining airway secretions from the patients with cystic fibrosis. It has been widely used for optimizing the examinations of various respiratory inflammatory diseases diagnosis, as well as for researching the inflammatory process and its mechanisms. Sputum induction has been demonstrated that it can achieve the similar positive rate to bronchoscope examination in tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis. The establishment of a standardized method of sputum induction has improved the quality of sputum sample. High quality sputum samples are helpful to improve the sensitivity of etiological detection of pulmonary TB, thus improving the positive rate of pulmonary TB diagnosis. The authors reviewed the current situation of sputum induction researches, as well as its clinical applications. They also compared the efficiency of different sputum induction methods in clinical applications, including hypertonic saline, lung flutters, physiotherapy sputum sample collection technology, and hypertonic saline plus physiotherapy sputum sample collection technology. The value of sputum induction method with hypertonic saline in etiological diagnosis of TB was in depth discussed in this paper.

Bimonthly, Established in June 2020
ISSN 2096-8493
CN 10-1695/R

    Responsible Institution
    China Association for Scienceand Technology
    Chinese Antituberculosis Association
    42 Dongsi Xidajie,Beijing 100710,China
    Editorial Board of Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
    5 Dongguang Hutong,Beijing 100035,China
    http:// www.jtbld cn
    TANG Shen-jie(唐神结)
    Managing Director
    FAN Yong-de(范永德)
    Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis Publishing House
    5 Dongguang Hutong, Beijing 100035,China
    Tomato Cloud Printing (Cangzhou) Co., Ltd.
    Overseas Distributor
    China International Book Trading Corporation
    P.O.Box 399,Beijing 100044,China
    Code No.BM3595