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Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 311-316.doi: 10.19983/j.issn.2096-8493.2024096

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Epidemiological characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis from Meigu County,Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture from 2019 to 2023

Lezhe Laji1, He Xin1, Xu Qiang1, Fan Li1, Cao Hongju1, Sun Shanhua2()   

  1. 1Meigu Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Meigu County Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, Meigu 616450, China
    2Institute for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100035,China
  • Received:2024-05-29 Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-08-13
  • Contact: Sun Shanhua
  • Supported by:
    Open project of small-fund for capacity building in Liangshan supported by CASAPC(LS2024OR 07)


Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis from Meigu County, Liangshan Prefecture from 2019 to 2023, and to provide basis for tuberculosis prevention and control. Methods: The reported incidence data of pulmonary tuberculosis from Meigu County was collected from the China Tuberculosis Information Management System, and the population data was obtained from survey date during screeing of Meigu County. And then we analyzed the data using the descriptive epidemiological methods. Results: A total of 4598 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were reported in Meigu County from 2019 to 2023, the average annual reported incidence rate during this period was 375.23/100000, showing an increasing trend in annual incidence rates (Cochran-Armitage test,Z=14.90,P<0.01). 51.89% (2386/4598) of the reported cases were reported from outside the county. Pulmonary tuberculosis cases were reported in all 18 townships in Meigu County, with the top five townships having the highest reported incidence rates being Lama Township (634.57/100000), Luoeyigan Township (448.24/100000), Liuhong Township (442.05/100000), Hougumo Township (431.14/100000), and Dianbu Township (431.09/100000). The lowest reported incidence rate was observed in Hongxi Township (213.20/100000). Among all reported cases,the incidence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis among males (432.72/100000) was higher than that among females (156.28/100000), the difference is statistically significant (χ2=121.32,P<0.01),with a male-to-female ratio of 1.40∶1(2683/1915). 78.77% (3622/4598) of reported cases occurred in the age group of 15-65 years. The incidence rate of adolescents aged 10-19 years is as high as 400.25/100000, of which the incidence rate of children under 15 years old is as high as 154.99/100000.The main occupations of the patients were farmers (67.14%,3087/4598) followed by students/teachers (24.34%,1119/4598). Conclusion: The epidemic situation of pulmonary tuberculosis in Meigu County is very serious. Comprehensive prevention and control measures should be taken according to local conditions, health education for tuberculosis prevention and control should be paid attention to, the level of patient detection should be improved, and the management of patient treatment should be strengthened in order to achieve a TB free community and a TB free county.

Key words: Tuberculosis, pulmonary, Epidemiology, Incidence rate, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture

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