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Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 325-332.doi: 10.19983/j.issn.2096-8493.2024073

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Epidemiological characteristics analysis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province from 2014 to 2023

Xia Jun()   

  1. Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Department of Shangrao Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shangrao 334000, China
  • Received:2024-04-12 Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-08-13
  • Contact: Xia Jun


Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province from 2014 to 2023. Methods: A retrospective was conducted to collect the information (including current address, gender, age, registration report date, etiology results, etc.) of confirmed and clinically diagnosed registered in Shangrao City from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2023 from the “Tuberculosis Information Management System”, a subsystem of the “China Disease Prevention and Control Information System”, and analyzed the three distribution of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The population data came from the subsystem “Integrated Management of Disease Prevention and Control” of the Disease Prevention and Control Information System. Results: From 2014 to 2023, a total of 43811 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were registered and reported in Shangrao City, with an average annual reported incidence rate of 65.75/100000 (43811/66632321), and the reported incidence rate decreased from 78.38/100000 (5212/6649809) in 2014 to 48.36/100000 (3136/6484824) in 2022, and then rose to 52.21/100000 (3360/6434958) in 2023, showing a general downward trend (AAPC=-5.43%, $\chi_{\text {trend }}^2$=1117.434, P<0.001). Among them, pathogenic positive patients 25247 cases (57.63%), the positive rate increased from 57.35% (2989/5212) in 2014 to 72.56% (2438/3360) in 2023, showing an overall upward trend (AAPC=2.71%, $\chi_{\text {trend }}^2$=226.576, P<0.001). The annual average reported incidence rate of male patients (91.45/100000 (31351/34282149)), 60-74 and ≥75 age groups (184.84/100000 (14230/7698544) and 183.19/100000 (4529/2472236) respectively), and Wannian County, Poyang County and Guangxin District (75.09/100000 (2734/3640961), 71.80/100000 (9163/12762269) and 71.39/100000 (5213/7301905) respectively) were higher than that of female patients (38.52/100000 (12460/32350172)), 0-14 age groups (1.75/100000 (260/14860009)) and Yanshan County (49.69/100000 (2082/4189642)), with statistically significant differences (χ2=7088.438, P<0.001; χ2=33721.474, P<0.001; χ2=413.969, P<0.001), and the proportion of men, farmers, and patients ≥60 years old were relatively high (71.56% (31351/43811), 71.38% (31274/43811), and 42.82% (18759/43811)). The highest incidence rate was reported in March (6.38/100000 (4254/66632321)), the lowest in December (4.28/100000 (2854/66632321)), and the overall trend was downward (AMPC=-3.12%, $\chi_{\text {trend }}^2$=442.474, P<0.001). Conclusion: Although the overall incidence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis in Shangrao City shows a downward trend, it is necessary to pay attention to the reasons for the rise in 2023 compared with 2021 and 2022, and strengthen the prevention and control measures for tuberculosis in high incidence groups such as etiology positive,men, the elderly, farmers and counties with high incidence.

Key words: Tuberculosis, pulmonary, Epidemiologic study characteristics as topic, Data interpretation, statistical, Shangrao City

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