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Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 294-304.doi: 10.19983/j.issn.2096-8493.2024042

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Study on the changes in lymphocyte subsets during secondary pulmonary tuberculosis dissemination and its clinical significance

Chen Yanling1,2, Wu Di1, Chen Xiuping1, Lin Yujun1(), Chen Xiaohong1()   

  1. 1Department of Tuberculosis, Fuzhou Pulmonary Hospital, Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350008, China
    2Department of Pharmacy, Fujian Province Cancer Hospital, Fuzhou 350014, China
  • Received:2024-02-25 Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-08-13
  • Contact: Lin Yujun,Chen Xiaohong;
  • Supported by:
    Fuzhou City Key Clinical Specialty (Fujian Provincial Key Clinical Specialty)(20230104)


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the alterations in peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets during the dissemination of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis and their clinical implications. Methods: Data were collected from 256 patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and 75 with concurrent extrapulmonary tuberculosis between January 1, 2019, and January 1, 2023, at Fuzhou Pulmonary Hospital in Fujian Province. The absolute counts of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets were compared between the pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis groups and among their respective subgroups to assess their clinical value. Results: Significantly higher amount of CD3+ T cells (902.50 (608.25,1269.75)), CD4+ T cells (539.00 (357.75,765.50)), CD8+ T cells (337.50 (209.00,472.00)), B cells (159.00 (82.00,257.50)), and NK cells (160.00 (88.50,244.50)) were observed in the pulmonary tuberculosis group compared to pulmonary tuberculosis combined with extrapulmonary tuberculosis group (729.50 (468.25,975.50))、(378.00 (171.50,562.00))、(276.00 (152.00,412.00))、(84.00 (57.75,167.75))、(128.00 (51.00,192.00))(Z=-3.074,P=0.002;Z=-4.488,P<0.0001;Z=-8.283,P=0.034;Z=-2.954,P=0.003;Z=-2.115,P=0.03). The comparison between different subgroups show that: secondary pulmonary tuberculosis had significantly higher counts of CD3+ T cells (995.00 (668.25,1409.75)) than hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (709.50 (391.00,975.00)(Z=2.829,P=0.014), secondary pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous pleurisy (764.00 (527.25,1075.00))(Z=3.215,P=0.004), secondary pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous meningitis (778.00 (537.50,976.00))(Z=2.915,P=0.011), and secondary pulmonary tuberculosis combined with multiple extrapulmonary tuberculosis (642.00 (244.25,830.50))(Z=2.994,P=0.008). The number of CD4+ T cells (604.00 (384.50,853.00)) from secondary pulmonary tuberculosis was significantly higher than secondary pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous pleurisy (485.00 (309.00,641.00))(Z=2.684,P=0.022), tuberculous meningitis (378.00 (181.50,571.50))(Z=3.780,P=0.0005), and multiple extrapulmonary tuberculosis (277.50 (98.00,469.00))(Z=3.445,P=0.002). The count of CD8+ T cells (382.50 (227.75,496.25)) from secondary pulmonary tuberculosis was significantly higher than secondary pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous pleurisy (273.00 (170.25,406.25))(Z=2.995,P=0.008). The number of B cells (177.00 (94.00,287.00)) from secondary pulmonary tuberculosis was significantly higher than hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (104.50 (74.00,138.00))(Z=2.700,P=0.021), secondary pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous pleurisy (132.00 (66.00,200.00))(Z=2.761,P=0.017), and secondary pulmonary tuberculosis combined with multiple extrapulmonary tuberculosis (75.00 (55.50,115.75))(Z=3.038,P=0.007). The count of NK cells (177.00 (103.75,264.00)) from secondary pulmonary tuberculosis was significantly higher than hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (128.50 (48.00,175.75))(Z=2.822,P=0.014) and secondary pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous pleurisy (127.00 (72.00,245.00))(Z=3.078,P=0.006). Conclusion: When secondary pulmonary tuberculosis is accompanied by other forms of the disease or extrapulmonary tuberculosis, it exhibits lower counts of CD3+ T cells, CD4+ T cells, B cells, and NK cells compared to cases of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis alone, reflecting a relatively suppressed immune state.

Key words: Tuberculosis, pulmonary, Immunity, cellular, Lymphocyte subsets

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